This blog is about the entrants in the year 1960, to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ceylon, Colombo. The email address for communications is, 1960batch@gmail.com. Please BOOKMARK this page for easier access later.Photo is the entrance porch of the old General Hospital, Colombo, still in existence. Please use the search box below to look for your requirement.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Photographer captures stunning images of the Canadian Rockies.
Canadian photographer Callum
Snape, 23, has captured a series of breathtaking stills using the area’s rugged
terrain as a backdrop. He often spends days hiking to find the perfect place.
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1 November 2014
Free money and free erections, Wales.
You had one job! Welsh translation error means Tesco bank
machine customers are offered 'free erections' when they get their cash
The sign on a cash machine at
the Tesco store in Aberystwyth should read 'arian am ddim' which means free
money. But the sign said 'codiad am ddim' which means free erections.
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1 November 2014
The mini marvels that can save you pounds.
Today, we talk you through the new world of the hi-tech home, and show you why you do not need to be an electronics expert to join it.
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1 November 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014
Drone of traffic and chicks.
Chicks can't hear their mothers over the constant drone of
Research has shown the high
volume of modern city life makes it harder for nestlings to hear their parents.
This puts them at risk of going hungry. And makes them deaf to danger from
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30 October 2014
Can't pee straight?
Now there's a device which improves men's
aim AND helps detect prostate cancer and diabetes
Aim-Straight, the brainchild of
British pair Michael Shelton and Peter Maxwell, contains reagents which react
to blood, protein and glucose in urine, changing colour to alert to the signs
of diabetes and prostate cancer.
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29 October 2014
Goodbye to Golden goodbyes in the NHS, UK.
'Golden goodbyes' for NHS managers to be clawed back if they
return to health service ...but only if they don't get a job for a year
Treasury minister Danny
Alexander vowed to end the revolving door of highly-paid administrators handed
golden goodbyes worth thousands of pounds before walking straight into another
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29 October 2014
Pathologists can conduct full post mortems using a computer mouse.
Sandwell Council in the West
Midlands will become the first in Britain to offer revolutionary digital
autopsies for free (an example is pictured).
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29 October 2014
Footballer 'died' in his sleep for 25 MINUTES after cardiac arrest
Louie Shields, 23, from Blackpool, is now raising money for charity after his heart stopped while he slept, causing him to be placed in an induced coma for four days.
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29 October 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
How we are WRONG about everything.
A new survey by IpsosMORI shows
the public's views on think immigration, teenage pregnancies, ageing and
unemployment are all much higher than reality.
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30 October 2014
Forget necklaces. Now a Backlace is a girl’s best friend.
Cate Blanchett, Nicole Kidman
and Kate Hudson are fans and Anne Hathaway stole the show at the Interstellar
premiere with hers and a chain hanging down the back signals independence
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30 October 2014
Brace yourself! Time-lapse video shows how braces work.
The strangely captivating video
follows the orthadontic treatment of an 11-year-old girl who was treated at
Kesling & Rocke Orthodontic Group in Westville, Indiana.
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30 October 2014
Eight-year-old Ashton explains exactly why he loves 'older women'
After being asked what kind of
girls he was into, this little heartbreaker-in-training responds: 'Older girls…
that are really sweet and are as sensitive as me. I’m pretty sensitive.'
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30 October 2014
No corkscrew? Use your shoe to open that bottle of wine
Why do we find it almost impossible to open bottles and packaging? Here are some top tips for getting into tins, plastic wrapping, wine bottles and jars using everyday household objects
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30 October 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Obituary - Dr. SYDC Wickremasinghe, Surgeon.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
It is with regret and
sadness this announcement comes to you, to inform the passing away of Dr. S Y Douglas C Wickramasinghe - Past President of the College (1995).
His body lies at his
residence - 20, Sea View Avenue, Colombo 03.
And the funeral will
take place at 4.00pm on ( Wednesday) 29th October 2014 at the General Cemetery
Pls convene at the entrance to the cemetery by 3.45 to
receive the coffin and pay the college tribute to a past president.
Your's sincerely,
Dr. Nalaka Gunawansa
Ten killed after devastating mudslide wipes out houses in Sri Lanka
Police, security personnel and local volunteers were involved in a major operation to search for survivors in central Sri Lanka after reports of 140 houses being washed away (file picture).
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30 October 2014
'Penis Captivus' - Have you heard of the diagnosis.
Couple having sex in the sea become stuck together due to
The Italian couple were set
free after the woman was given an injection commonly used to dilate the uterus
of a pregnant woman, according to a local new
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29 October 2014
This is a normal biological event when dogs are coupling.
This is a normal biological event when dogs are coupling.
Hilarious photos show traumatised pets being taken to the vet.
A vet appointment strikes
terror into the bravest dog's heart, so pity these misty-eyed pets - who raised
a smile with their attempts to hide or guilt-trip their way out of that dreaded
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29 October 2014
Vietnamese youngster tames fully grown elephant'
Vietnamese youngster Kim Luan's
best friend is a fully grown elephant - a relationship captured in a series of
heart warming pictures taken by a French photographer.
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29 October 2014
email on Passport.
Email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai
all frequent flyers ......do check this one out ....
This is an incident that occurred at the airport yesterday.
A passenger with an American passport, changed money, and in the process left his passport and boarding pass on my counter. As it was placed on the side, where my monitor blocks the view; it remained there for over 20 minutes; when the next customer brought it to my attention. I went outside, to search for him but to no avail.
The passport was well worn, with numerous visas, including Japan. He had travelled from Narita to LAX. The page in the (U.S.) passport where one can write home address and third party contact was blank. All there was was his e mail address.
This is an incident that occurred at the airport yesterday.
A passenger with an American passport, changed money, and in the process left his passport and boarding pass on my counter. As it was placed on the side, where my monitor blocks the view; it remained there for over 20 minutes; when the next customer brought it to my attention. I went outside, to search for him but to no avail.
The passport was well worn, with numerous visas, including Japan. He had travelled from Narita to LAX. The page in the (U.S.) passport where one can write home address and third party contact was blank. All there was was his e mail address.
I went on line, and e mailed him a brief message, including my phone number.
He turned up about a half hour later, profoundly grateful. He had been blissfully unaware that his passport was missing! He was checking his e mail in the cab when he saw the mail I had sent. So he turned the cab around and came back to the airport to collect it. He works in Japan and his work permit was attached to the Japanese visa in the passport. He was to be in the US only for a week.
In retrospect it is evident that even if he had written his address in the passport, it would not have helped. Even a phone number is not much help, as a finder may not be willing to call long distance, if ' found ' in another country.
An e mail, any one would send, from any place; and you can access your e mail from anywhere in the world, when you are traveling!
Therefore PLEASE WRITE YOUR E MAIL ADDRESS IN YOUR PASSPORT; it can really 'save your bacon' someday! (putting it politely :-) )
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Sam Cam shines in a sari for Diwali
David Cameron and his wife
Samantha were attending a bash put on by the Conservative party in Westminster
to celebrate Diwali, the five-day Hindu festival celebrated in Autumn every
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28 October 2014
Women are more fertile during a new moon says scientists.
Woman may be at their most
sexually aroused during a full moon, a study says. Infertility specialist
Phillip Chenette from the Pacific Fertility Centre in San Francisco analysed
data from a phone app.
Read the full story:
25 October 2014
My doomed love affair with Cary Grant - by Sophia Loren
The first Hollywood star I ever
met was Cary Grant. I was just 22, an insecure and unknown Italian actress. Yet
I was about to make a movie with the 52-year-old living legend, writes Sophia
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25 October 2014
Tea and orange juice 'can cut ovarian cancer risk by a third'
University of East Anglia scientists found women who ate foods high in the antioxidant compounds flavonoids had a much lower risk of developing ovarian tumours.
Read the full story:
28 October 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
last after 50 years we met - 18 of us from the original batch of 83 of ‘53. Some
had left for the great beyond, some too ill to come, some unwilling.
occasion brought back nostalgic memories. I remember when we first met in 1953.
We were the flowers of Sri Lankan youth after a free education, gathered at the
Colombo University all sleek and fresh, mostly clad in white, eagerly waiting
to enter the hallowed seat of learning to
to learn the art of healing. There was youth from the south , girls with
pottus’ from the North, the dress clad girls from the Colombo schools, the raw
accented youth from the North and a few from the south, the glib from the
Colombo schools.- the dark and handsome, the tall and the short, the petite and the plump, all the
mama’s darlings and papa’s dreams.
was a certain amount of trepidation as we had heard of a thing called the rag.
But our heads were in the air. We were the chosen few from the whole country.
longer confined to classrooms , teachers and
school discipline I was suddenly an adult. The feeling of freedom was overwhelming
,exhilarating, invigorating, enjoyable and sometimes even frightening. Certainly it was too much for me. I was
immature I think. The availability of all kinds of sports, well stocked
libraries, cinemas within cycling distance, leisurely walks to lectures
along tree lined cool roads gave us a world of our own. We started
university education against the backdrop of a rich country with a stable government.
There were plenty of friends, stag and rag parties, music and singing which got
rid of our inhibitions. A”cup – tea –
punt at Lion House Bambalawatte” after a late night gallery show at the Majestic
cinema were routine. Films like Casablanca, Gaslight, Redshoes, Samson and
Delilah,From here to Eternity come to my mind.
The only limiting factor was the non coperation from the home front -their allowance was very meager. Thinking back, I am glad about that because
some more of us may have gone” off the track” if we had more cash, like a few
in our batch.
first year was a fun year: a year of acclimatisation. We met students from
other faculties. This was the first time we had such a lot of young girls in
our midst. We had get-togethers, picnics and excursions, amongst work in the
relaxed atmosphere of Thurston Road. The canteen with the tea cups without handles,
tables wet with and smelling of tea was a regular meeting place. One day we
were due for a chemistry lecture and at about 2pm in walked the lecturer : a
burgher gentlemen in white suit and bow
tie . Over his shoulders was a black cloak and to cap it all he had a black cap
with mortarboard and tassels on the mortarboard. He wore rimless glasses,had a pencil line moustache and spoke with a British
accent. The effect, at 2 in the
afternoon was stunning,hilarious and too
much for us. We stamped our feet on the wooden floorboards. The lecturer smiled
and he too enjoyed the situation thoroughly. He spoke for about an hour. We
were the gazing rustics ranged around, amazed that one small head could carry
all that he knew.( with apologies to Oliver Goldsmith ).
second year was different kettle of fish. We went to the medical faculty where
we were thrown headlong into the harsh realities of a medical education.
sudden exposure to the dissecting room was shocking. 10-15 blackened nude bodies
were lying on tiled slabs in a large hall - some were staring and some were
grinning - a grotesque picture. The stench was overpowering. We were ordered to
dissect them. This was going to be our environment for the next two years. So
armed with scalpel and forceps, with manual in hand we started cutting. Soon we were digging into
the cadavers like labourers on a new road track. We cut buttocks and brains,
testicles and ovaries, guts and kidneys, breasts and bladders. Monro’s foramen,
Sibson’s fascia and the white line of Hilton flash through my mind. It was
stench in the mornings, smell in the evenings and nightmares at midnight.Lots
of anatomy was learnt with the help of mnemonics. A famous one was an aid to
remember the branches of an artery of the neck. It starts with “anatomy
students like”………. The rest is too vulgar to put on paper.
The knowledge of the functional aspects of the
body was imparted on the other side of the road. They were Koch , Tom and
Watson sessions. Some lecturers hid behind dark glasses. They
talked to the black boards - some of us dozed some wrote. Kreb’s cycle or was it his bicycle?, Barrington’s reflexes and bundle of His evoke
bundles of memories. Tutorials and signatures were hurled at us and we hurtled
along with the turbulences of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. The 2nd
MB was the first checkpoint. Most of us made it – some with classes medals and
third year presented new facets. Now we were exposed to human beings, though
they were ill, rather than dead bodies. Also we could use the iconic medical
instrument :the stethoscope. It could be flaunted in several ways .It could be
worn round the neck, it could be placed round the neck, carried in the hand, or
in the pocket with a little bit jutting out. It was our passport and status
symbol. So, with story and tale, with palpitations, palpations and percussions
and with bloodied fingers we had to give a verdict. Medicine was imparted by sedate,
sagacious professors and wise, witty
physicians. They were the High Priests and were libraries, sorry warehouses of
knowledge! We saw tender livers, enlarged spleens, noisy lungs, large hearts,
fluid in abdomens, diabetes and
paralysis. We tried to hear non existent heart murmurs and got
thrilled when we felt cardiac thrills.
came the our stint with surgeons: the Brahmins of the hospital. They were deft
with the scalpels and apt with their tongues. They were master cutters and they
cut on the trot. One of them ( a man of immense capability, knowledge and
stature) is said to have quipped “I
shay putting things into holesh is a
mans job, it needs only a woman’s assishtance”
when a nurse was fumbling trying to thread a needle under his impatient gaze.
The awe of the operating theatre replaced the stench of the bodies. Overpowering,
irate surgeons, fearful professors, demanding Registrars, masked and gowned
nurses hiding a lot of curves, uncooperative Sisters, Xrays ,flowing E.C.Gs,complicated
blood reports ,sterile areas, caps and gowns, pin drop silence, bloody
dressings, open abdomens,Thomas’s splints, crushed limbs, cracked skulls smell of ether all were in this
and pediatrics followed: howling women in labor, the unmistakable odour of labor
rooms, undernourished mothers,
underweight bawling babies, smell of baby stools, diphtheritic croup, tracheostomies in a row, aircraft splints for polio kids,
carcinomas in jars, liver slides under the mikes, strangulated necks, bullet holes in heads, daggers and knives were
regular sights. Now Phlebotamas papatasi and Ankylostoma duodenale of
Parasitalingam, were getting mixed up with Ps.Pyoceanus and E. coli of Chapman.
We saw breast carcinomas like split pomegranates and liver abscess-pus like
wood apple juice. We were in that
medical era sans C.T. and M.R.I scans, ultra sounds, cardiac stents, tumour
markers, blood oxymeters,laporoscopes, drip - sets etc etc.
It was the time when tinctures and
mixtures were being replaced by pills and injections and religious sisters were
replaced by Health Department ones, in the wards. An innumerable number of
drugs came into the picture with their doses for the various diseases in grams,
milligrams,grains, milliliters,litres and even ounces.
We plodded along through rain and sun to the
general hospital complex. On the way we passed some of our teachers, sunk in
the back seat of their huge chauffer driven cars with orchids in the button holes and the Daily
News in hand. We envied them and had dreams of emulating them. The vast living
laboratory of at the general hospital
complex was at our disposal. Loads of information were imparted to us daily
which could only be assimilated in a week. Some teachers gave us valuable information on
common diseases in understandable ways.
They made us capable of recognising and
treating common diseases. Others went for the small print as well.
of our teachers were different. They
ridiculed us, shouted at us, made us look fools, crushed us psychologically and
shattered our paltry self confidence. We feared them ; a stare or remark from some of them could mean the”
yellow card”. I do not know whether they
realised that we too were human beings and would be the next generation of
medical men and may have to treat them when they fell ill. The teachers were rarely friendly- we were on the ’other side of the table’ most of the
time.Some of them had a Risus Sardonicus when they addressed us.
With all this we enjoyed life. I would give
lot to go back in time and spent one year of those halcyon days again. We
played in University teams, went on inter-faculty trips. Some of us played in
National teams. Occasionally the “bad
boys”( myself included), ,
sang bailas and danced aided by the” old stuff”and went flat - the good ones
pretended. Affairs were started, broken,continued, restarted, consolidated and
the couples lived happily ever-after like budgregars . We enjoyed Shebas ’
melodies, Dago’s antics and J P Jega’s
had absorbed and adsorbed as much of medical knowledge we could and awaited the
long dreaded final. Our ears were filled with heart murmurs, we imagined lumps
and bumps in all the people and breach presentations in all pregnant women,
Kwashiorkor and meningitis in all the babies- in short we were toxic and our
heads were like pressure cookers which had lost their valves!!
final checkpoint came - theory, cases and vivas. We went like cattle to be
slaughtered - sweating, rapid heart rates, inarticulate, itching bladders, dry lips
and trembling fingers - the future doctors!!
Exams are one of the best forms of torture ever devised - better than Abu
Gharib or the Fourth Floor, only the torture was mental, no visible marks. We
had spent the best part of our young lives to acquire a little knowledge of
this fine art of healing. The results came suddenly to the notice board. There
were passes, classes and distinctions - most of us were jubilant.
parted with P.B. and R.P., with Hilary and Handy, with Paul and Peris,Antho and
Bartho, Ranaya, Sinna and Prins, with
Misso and Austin, with C.C. and Stella.-we cut the cord with the General
Hospital complex as undergrads, which had been our milieu exterior and even our
interior for five years.;we had started drinking at the Perian spring. Only
later on did we realise that even though the medical course was five years it
was a crash course – and that it will take another 5-10 years to have a working
knowledge. It was said by the wise men that Medicine is not a simple sin!!
dispersed like a cloud burst but top dogs again - brand new doctors of medicine
this time. Internship followed. Then we spread again. Some to foreign
countries, some to prestigeous posts at home and we rarely met together again. A
few weeks ago I had to stop on Kynsey
road when a group of noisy medical undergrads burst through the hospital gate
and crossed Kynsey road, on their way to the medical college. No doubt they
were on their way for lectures just like we did 50 years ago. I don’t think
they realized that the man who was seeing them was an” old boy” of the same
school, now a medical ‘aadi – vasi !’. I hoped their perspirations brought forth
their aspirations.
after fifty years we have met – some of us for first time after the medical
college-only eighteen of us this time. Almost all had a string of letters after their
names. They were enjoying their grandchildren and retired from active service.
Added to medicine there were authors and advisors, historians and teachers. We
met at the large “square - architectured” spacious, Blue Waters in Wadduwa Sri Lanka,
with the Indian ocean as a backdrop.
had dinner and drinks together gossiped about old times, met spouses, revealed
our whereabouts and departed with heavy hearts no longer the youthful doctors
but sedate, wise and still young at heart though some us, I think were on a
regular diet of Metformin, Cardiprin and statins etc !
often on my couch I lie, In vacant or in pensive mood, These flash upon my
inward eye, Which brings memories of magnitude”i (With apologies to Wordsworth).
Pope Francis attacks corruption as a 'worse evil than sin'
Pope Francis compared
corruption to bad breath, claiming 'someone who has it hardly ever realises
it'. He said like bad breath they need someone to warn them.
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26 October 2014
Incredible time-lapse captures migration of 1.5 MILLION wildebeest.
The incredible scenes show the
wildebeest moving from Kenya into Tanzania.
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26 October 2014
Men and retirement after big careers
email from
| ||||
our family many things are different from the men and women researched for the
article. but some things are the same.
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