Thursday, June 14, 2018

Update on get-together on 7th July, 2018 at Negombo.

The Burn Unit. For Jaffna Hospital




Int: Med Heath Org: ( IMHO) is a group od Docs, A/Cs, Lawyers etc; in USA, PURELY Voluntary, without any over head costs( except- may be for some expenses like money transfers. Have 'offices' all over the world with many with Tax Exempt status. They help & aid/ raise funds-  Not only in SL & other countries too.
The Burn Unit will need renovation of an old Space, equipping like an ICU style & other Stuff. Staffing & training in SL or India so on so forth. Prolonged Plastic surgery Care. All help is welcome. This will be the Only one at present in N&E.  I would  think in a Teaching Hospital is essential- it has advanced a lot- I would think there will be a lot of burn victims, children & adults in these areas.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Thought for the day

When we die, our money remains in the bank... 
Yet, when we are alive, we don't have enough money to spend.
In reality, when we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent. 
One business tycoon in China passed away. His widow was left with $1.9 billion in the bank, and she married his chauffeur.
His chauffeur said:- 
"All the while, I thought I was working for my boss... It is only now, that I realize that my boss was all the time, working for me !!!" 
The cruel reality is:
It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth. 
So, we must strive to have a strong and healthy body, It really doesn't matter who is working for who. 
In a high end hand phone, 70% of the functions are useless!
For an expensive car, 70% of the speed and gadgets are not needed.
If you own a luxurious villa or mansion, 70% of the space is usually not used or occupied.
How about your wardrobes of clothes? 
70% of them are not worn!
A whole life of work and earning... 
70% is for other people to spend. 
So, lets make a New Year resolution to make full use of our 30%.
email sent by Kamalini Kanapathippillai