Thursday, January 30, 2020

'The cry of the devil bird', By Dr.Philip G Veerasingam, edited by Dr. Tissa Kappagoda.


The 'Cry of the Devil Bird' - reprints available.

The enthralling life of a Medical Doctor, starting from 1965 to 2005, in the enchanting Isle of Sri Lanka. Every page you read will make you smile, laugh or feel sad. What  a journey through life! It would serve as a good gift for your friends overseas.

                                    Postage and packing for delivery in Sri Lanka Rs.1000/-
                                  Payment by crossed cheque sent under registered cover to:-
Dr. Philip G Veerasingam,
No 28, Mansuriya Lane,
Honiton Place,

                             Please include your postal address and email address if available