Saturday, December 28, 2019

1960 Medical entrants, Colombo, Batch blog.

1.      Please click on the underlined batch blog to see the home web-page.

2.      Click on the red title - Older posts - in the bottom right hand page to see earlier postings up to the start of this blog in March 2009.

3.      Look at the box saying - Search this blog - on the right hand side of each page - and type what you want to search for eg.your name, or reunion, subject etc

4.      You can see the listings of the blog posts in alphabetical order in red on the right-hand side of each page, under the heading Blog Archives. You can scroll down searching for any posting that you are interested in. Click on that particular link to see the posting.

5. Under the title, My Blogs, you can see all the blogs that I publish. Click on each of them to read the posts in each one.

Hope you enjoy watching the pages of this blog on the doings of the 1960 batch entrants, Medical Faculty, Kinsey Road.

Philip Veerasingam

Odds and ends