Sunday, July 10, 2016

Today's Srilankan news

India's Petronet Emerging As Gas Bridge For Bangladesh, Sri Lanka - 

Reconciliation process is moving ahead on four pillars: Min. Samaraweera - 

Wasana – the tusker entrusted with task of carrying Kataragama Temple’s Sacred Relics - 

The tears of Bishop Lakshman Wickremasinghe


Excavations unravel new facts on Polonnaruwa History- [photos] - 

GSP plus conditions relaxed - 

Crocodiles living in Monaragala district Menik River to get new homes - 

NTC seizes route permits following countrywide search - 

Batti airport opened - 

President says SL ranked second among nations striving to achieve internal peace - 

Vexed residents force open Karandeniya – Mahagedarawaththa bridge - 

Germany rape law: 'No means No' law passed

Clearing a stuffy nose

Beatrice de Cardi, archaeologist – obituary

Chilcot report on the Iraqui War and its follow-up

It’s Time for an Investigation Into George W. Bush and the Invasion of Iraq

 US 'Can Learn' to Check Intel Before Invading Countries