Sad news - Another Batchmate leaves-
Mon, Oct 15, 8:23 PM (2 days ago)
Hi Philip
Just to let you know that Percy De Silva died few days ago after a brief illness.
Percy entered with us but qualified few months after us.
qualified as an obstetrician and worked mainly overseas ( Saudi Arabia
& later in Malta). He is survived by his wife Wasanthi, His son is a
ENT consultant at J.R. Hospital in Oxford and his daughter is married
to a local GP.
He was domiciled in uk and I had met
him few times in uk and I spoke last with him in June this year to check
if he would join us at our Reunion.
He was quiet but a very sincere colleague and was always smiling.
I spoke with his wife and got these details which she is agreeable for us to share with our batch mates.
funeral will be held on Friday 2nd November at The Friary church of St
Francis and St Anthony, Haslett Avenue West, Crawley RH10 1HR at 12.00
followed by a service at the Surrey and Sussex Crematorium, Balcombe
road, Crawley RH10 3NQ at 13.30.
Please share with our batch mates.