Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Odds and ends

Animal rescue, Moragahakande, Sri Lanka

Elephant rage

Stents and chest pain

Cockles & Mussels
Please click on the web-link below with speakers on

In Dublin's fair city, where the girls are so pretty
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone
As she wheeled her wheel-barrow
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying c***les and mussels, alive, alive-O!

Alive, alive-O! alive, alive-O!
Crying c***les and mussels, alive, alive-O!

She was a fish-monger, but sure 'twas no wonder
For so were her father and mother before
And they each wheeled their barrow
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying c***les and mussels, alive, alive-O!

Alive, alive-O! alive, alive-O!
Crying c***les and mussels, alive, alive-O!

She died of a fever, and no one could save her
And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone
But her ghost wheels her barrow
Through streets broad and narrow
Crying c***les and mussels, alive, alive-O!

Alive, alive-O! alive, alive-O!
Crying c***les and mussels, alive, alive-O!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Something Surprising -India the roots of civilisation!.

email from Piyusha Atapattu

8:31 PM (8 hours ago)

Wonderful piece of history, with a message from the dim distant past. India the roots of civilisation!.

Subject: Something Surprising. Please read.
Something Surprising 
'His Masters Voice' (HMV) had once published a pamphlet giving the history of gramophone record. The Gramophone was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the 19th century. Edison, who had invented many other gadgets like electric light and the motion picture camera, had become a legend even in his own time.
When he invented the gramophone record, which could record human voice for posterity, he wanted to record the voice of an eminent scholar on his first piece.
For that he chose Prof. Max Muller of England (a German by ethnicity), another great personality of the 19th century.
He wrote to Max Muller saying, "I want to meet you and record your voice. When should I come?”
Max Muller who had great respect for Edison asked him to come on a suitable time when most of the scholars of the Europe would be gathering in England.
Accordingly, Edison sailed to England and participated in a symposium of scholars. He was introduced to the audience, and was cheered by all present.
At the request of Edison, Max Muller came on the stage and spoke in front of the instrument. Then Edison went back to his laboratory and by afternoon came back with a disc & played it on the gramophone.
The audience was thrilled to hear the voice of Max Muller from the instrument. They were glad that voices of great persons like Max Muller could be stored for the benefit of posterity.
After several rounds of applause and congratulations to Thomas Edison, Max Muller came to the stage and addressed the scholars and asked them, "You heard my original voice in the morning. Then you heard the same voice coming out from this instrument in the afternoon. Do you understand what I said in the morning or what you heard in the afternoon?”
The audience fell silent because they could not understand the language in which Max Muller had spoken.  It was ‘Greek and Latin’ to them as they say. But had it been Greek or Latin, they would have definitely understood because they were from various parts of Europe. It was in a language which the European scholars had never heard.
Max Muller then explained what he had spoken. He said that the language he spoke was Sanskrit and it was the first sloka of the Rig Veda which says "Agni Meele Purohitam”
This was the first recorded public version on a gramophone plate.
Why did Max Muller choose this?
Addressing the audience he said,
“Vedas are the oldest text of the human race. And “Agni Meele Purohitam” is the first verse of Rig Veda. In the most primordial time, when the people did not know how even to cover their bodies and lived by hunting and housed in caves, Indians had attained high civilization and they gave the world universal philosophies in the form of the Vedas”
When “Agni Meele Purohitam” was replayed, the entire audience stood up in silence as a mark of respect.
The verse means :

"Oh Agni, You who gleam in the darkness, to You we come day by day, with devotion and bearing homage. So be of easy access to us, Agni, as a father to his son, abide with us for our well being."

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai

I do not know who compiled it ,
Goodness gracious me, most of it is true...

India is a country where, on the streets, everyone seems to be in a hurry, but no one is ever on time.
India is the only country where people fight to be termed 'backward.'
Being one in a million in India means that there are 1241 Indians just like you.
In India , you don't cast your vote, you vote your caste. 
The ABC of what sells in India - Astrology, Bollywood and Cricket - in that order.
In India to become rich you have to become a   politician  to become a politician you have to be rich.  
The most crucial part of a traffic signal in India, without which it doesn't work at all, is a policeman. 
The four most crucial pillars of Indian Society are –  Religion, Caste, Corruption and Hypocrisy. 
The only country where the reserved enjoy more benefits than the deserved ones 
India is a place where the only rights people get are the last rites.  
India is the only country where it takes 15 minutes to reach a place by walking, whereas it takes an hour by car to  reach the same place. 
In India , there are two types of roads: Under Construction and Under Repair.
In India , the Capitalists are greedy and the Socialists are envious. 
Where people worship Goddess Durga, but kill a girl even after a healthy delivery. 
Where an Olympic shooter gets 3,000,000 (crore) rupees for a gold medal, but a soldier who dies getting shot while fighting with another nation,gets a mere 100,000 (lakh).
India is a place where rules are made to be broken and roads are built to be dug.
Is your land in danger of being acquired by the government? Don't worry, keep calm and build a temple  there.
India is the only country in the world where more fighter pilots are killed and more fighter jets destroyed during peace than in a war.
In India, any time is tea time.
India is always on a list of developing countries.
In India, it's okay to piss in public, but not kiss.
India doesn't have roads with potholes, but potholes with a bit of road around them.
In the West people have sex and hope for a marriage  In India people marry and hope for sex.

In India, you don't drive on the left of the road, you drive on what is left of on the road.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Elephant trouble, India.

A elephant which got separated from its herd created some commotion on a national highway 31 in Malbazar near Jalpaiguri, West Bengal. Elephants which live in the Gorumara National Park have often invaded nearby human localities. This time this particular elephant was roaming right in middle of a...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014