Friday, August 7, 2015

Accordian music

Die Twinnies - Bayernmädels - 2 Girls playing steirische harmonika on rollerskates !

Kirmesmusikanten Mix 2

Una Paloma Acordionis

WIESŁAWA DUDKOWIAK with Accordion on Beach 1 , The most beautiful relaxing melody

Undamming rivers can offer a new source for clean energy

Steam trains

Steam Trains - Men Of The Footplate - 1939 London Midland & Scottish Railway - WDTVLIVE42

Express Steam Train: London to Edinburgh - WDTVLIVE42

Steam Train - The Coronation Scot - 1937 London Midland & Scottish Railway - WDTVLIVE42

The Kiss

Email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai

PLEASE read this short caption before looking at the photo. 

You'll notice that she didn't care if he was dirty, she didn't care if he
 smelled like burnt wood, 
she only knew this man saved her life and she thanked him from her heart the best way she could.