Monday, November 10, 2014

Jaffna is Calling, a film by Clickr.

Email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai:-

One of the best Jaffna movies:

Sex for fun?

Will we soon be having sex just for fun? Professor who invented the Pill says more fertile women will turn to IVF to start families
Professor Carl Djerassi, 91, believes the Pill could become redundant as soon as 2050, as more men and women choose to freeze their eggs and sperms before being steralised.
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10 November 2014

Warning signs for dementia... found in the way you walk

Preventative treatment could be possible years before dementia develops by analysing the way potential sufferers walk, Essex University researchers hope.
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10 November 2014

Cinema seats and ballooning bottoms.

One of Britain's oldest cinemas forced to replace its seats for the first time in 100 years - because our expanding bottoms no longer fit them 
Grade II listed Malvern Cinema in Worcestershire has removed all of its 17in, maroon seats after complaints that few people could squeeze into them. The
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10 November 2014

Are you suffering from... RETIRED husband syndrome?

After years of work, Gillian Gregson (left) hoped to put her feet up but got annoyed with husband Allan. Cheryl Young, 64, (right) knew she wouldn't like retirement and loved going back to work
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10 November 2014

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Collection of Images of Generations

We all age and get older every year. Families grow and have children and grandchildren. Generations are formed. In my family there are currently five generations, the matriarch being my grandmother who is 93. This week’s collection is of images that capture those generations, be it people, animals or objects. Enjoy the . . .
Generation gap


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