I just called to say I love you
GBS and Chesterton
This bird was not in the mood to be saved.
tells firefighter to 'f*ck off' during rescue attempt
Morgan Sung
14, 2018
a bright yellow and turquoise Macaw parrot, escaped her home in Edmonton, UK
over the weekend and stranded herself on her neighbor's roof for three days.
Concerned that she was injured, her owners called the Royal Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) for help. When the RSPCA was
unsuccessful in coaxing Jessie down, the London Fire Brigade stepped in.
owners told the firefighter to say "I love you" to try to bond with
the bird and lure her back to safety. But when a firefighter trekked to the
roof to tell her, Jessie started hurling expletives at him.
manager Chris Swallow told Metro, "We then discovered that she had a bit
of a foul mouth and kept swearing, much to our amusement."
Although Jessie responded
with "I love you," she also told the firefighter to "fuck
Recalling the Spanish flu of 1918
This was written by Kathleen O'Mara,
in 1869 after the Irish famine, reprinted during 1919 Spanish Flu Pandemic.
Photo taken during the Spanish Flu Pandemic And people stayed at home And read
books And listened And they rested And did exercises And made art and played
And learned new ways of being And stopped and listened More deeply Someone
meditated, someone prayed Someone met their shadow And people began to think
differently And people healed. And in the absence of people who Lived in
ignorant ways Dangerous, meaningless and heartless, The earth also began to
heal And when the danger ended and People found themselves They grieved for the
dead And made new choices And dreamed of new visions And created new