Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Sinhalese and Tamil New year, 2020,

Remembering every one at the auspicious hour in silence - no raban, no fireworks and no cry of the koha-koil over the radio or TV. Very solemn and dignified.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Odds and ends, Bare necessities

Bare necessities

Andaman - Sentinel Island, Aborigenes

Ravi Shankar

During the 1965 Indo-Pak war, Lal Bahadur Shastri went to Military Hospital in Delhi to meet injured soldiers. He met many injured soldier during his visit but at last he saw a soldier on the bed and went to meet him near his bed. The doctor told the then PM that many parts of his body got seriously injured that's why we have kept him under a net and we don’t know that he will be fine or not, chances of his survival are very thin. Shastri went closer to him and put his hand on the soldier’s head and after that tears came rolling out of the soldier’s eyes. Shastri started a conversation with him.

    Shastri:- Major, You are the Major of the world famous Indian Army, the Army which is famous for its bravery and boldness. So please be strong and don’t cry. You will be fine soon.
    Major:- Sir, these are not tears because of pain and injury. These tears have came because I had a dream to meet my Prime Minister once and salute him. Today I have met you but I am unable to stand and salute you.

Tears rolled out from Shastri Ji’s eyes.

The biggest lesson that life has taught me, there will be some situation where you can’t do anything and even the most powerful man is unable to do anything in that situation. So, Just live your life with dedication. We don’t know when and where it is going to end.


Rohit Kashyap