Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Dr. Rasmuthaiah


00:22 (6 hours ago)
to me
Dear Philip please see forwarded messages. Are those email addresses not correct for you? 
I wen today for Betty's funeral (Ras wife). No further news. Formal identification of his body was postponed by the Police in view of Betty's funeral. They have given no details.
Will keep you informed. Ras stepson will be in touch with news and his cousin who I met.


-----Original Message-----
From: anikapota <anikapota@aol.com>
To: philipv203 <philipv203@gmail.com>; philavi <philavi@sltnet.lk>
Sent: Sun, 11 Jun 2017 23:12
Subject: Dr Rasamuthiah

Dear Philip
Just to let you know that Rasamuthiah's wife died, funeral on the 13th. He then went missing on the 4th and his body has been found in a park. Body to be formally identified tomorrow.
