Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Measuring 'Quality of life'

Understanding the Mormons

Political refugees

Adult Joke

email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai

Subject: Fwd: Joke

Laugh at your own risk!

A man and his wife were in court to have divorce. The problem in contention was ....who should have the possession of the child.?? The man or the woman? The woman jumped up and said... My Lord, I am the mother of the child, I brought her into this world, with pain and labour.... alone.

 The judge then turn to the man and gave him the chance to defend himself and
the man said ..My lord ..I have  a question, ....when you insert your ATM card into the ATM machine and the money comes out does the money belong to you or the machine?😀😀😀        Court adjourned Face with tears of joyFace with tears of joyPerson with folded handsPerson with folded hands