Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spanish National Anthem

 - "La Marcha Real"

Sugar the silent culprit

Benefits of solar powered water pumps

Habibur shares a content smile as he tends to his rice field. Photo Credit: World Bank On a recent field trip to northern Bangladesh, the smiles of Habibur, a young man working in a rice field under the scotching sun caught my attention. Habibur, 28, looked content amidst the wide green vista of ..

How reliable are in utero diagnosis of disease

Bhutan PM's speech on climate change


email from

Lakshman Karalliedde

Bhutan - poverty, goodness and happiness do co-exist if there is national pride. 

> A
> great video from the PM of Bhutan well worth
> watching! 
> Subject: Bhutan PM's speech