Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Iron tablets - red flag

British Airways: Fuelled by Love

email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai

Photographers posing for photographs, vintage photos.

29 Interesting Vintage Photographs of Photographers Posing with Their Cameras from the 19th Century

There is something very immediate and wonderful to see actual images that show the pride and affection of photographers from many eras as they pose with their cameras. This gentleman has passed dapper and is approaching a lampoon representation of an artiste! The floppy polka dot bow tie and bunc...


Study shows Zika ‘might cause’ Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome

Acquiring eating habits

Aboriginal Australian Y-Chromosomes Dated Back 50000 Years

CAMBRIDGESHIRE, ENGLAND—A team of scientists made up of researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and La Trobe University sequenced the Y-chromosomes of 13 Aboriginal Australian men, and …


Ageing of whiskey