Thursday, February 25, 2016

Blowing in the Wind

Peter, Paul and Mary

Talcum powder and ovarian cancer

Balkanizing the Middle East

The REAL Goal of America and Israel: Shatter Syria and Iraq Into "Many Small Pieces"

The hawks in the U.S. and Israel decided long ago to break up Iraq and Syria into small fragments. The Guardian noted in 2003: President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt predicted devastating consequences for …


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the linguistic usage of this term, see Balkan sprachbund.
The Balkans from 1796 to 2008
The Bulgarian campaign showing the state of the Balkans during WWI
Balkanization, or Balkanisation, is a geopolitical term, originally used to describe the process of fragmentation or division of a region or state into smaller regions or states that are often hostile or uncooperative with one another.[1][2]



There’s a new approach to fighting cancer: keeping cancer cells alive

While conventional cancer chemotherapy involves administering the maximum tolerated dose of medication to the patient in the hope of destroying as many cancer cells as possible, a less aggressive …

Obama’s Implicit Foreign Policy

WASHINGTON — This is the speech President Obama did not make on his foreign policy (with thanks to Stephen Heintz, a shrewd observer of America’s role in the world): My fellow Americans: I have based my foreign policy on some tough realities that are hard to talk about because no American likes t...

Danno Budunge in operatic style by Kishani

email from JKS Weerasekera

Forwarding the much discussed singing by Kishani. : Danno Budunge
She sings beautifully with the tabla predominant.
Well, everybody knows her now!

Sri Lankan 'Seeni Sambol', the best in the world

I am on to McDonalds today!
·      Kentucky competes with  their mild flavoured buriyani with oriental curry plus the Colonel’s battered fried chicken legs Rs 400/ Ah! Wish they complement with  Lion Lager, probably the best beer in the world!

A man who has eaten McDonald's in 53 countries reveals who does it best

James McGowan has visited McDonald's restaurants in 53 countries and has written more than 340 reviews about the food he's tried on each trip.
As we reported previously, he's tried items like tuna pies in Thailand, "Sir Sombreros" — or fried cheese shaped like sombreros — in Serbia, chicken-sausage burgers in Malaysia, acrab-croquette burger in Okinawa, Japan, and sweet-potato fries in Singapore.
Of all the McDonald's locations he's tried, McGowan says Sri Lanka does it best.
McDonald's in Sri Lanka has a tiny, but very interesting menu with just a couple sandwiches, McGowan told Business Insider.
He said his favorite item on the menu is the seeni sambol sandwich, which features a folded egg and melted cheese on a hamburger bun topped with seeni sambol — a relish made with spicy onion and cured tuna. It costs about $2.15.