Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Maiden's Prayer

"A Maiden's Prayer" (original Polish title: Modlitwa dziewicy Op. 4, French: La prière d'une vierge) is a composition of Polish composer Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska (born 1834 in Warsaw, died September 29, 1861 in Warsaw), which was published in 1856 in Warsaw, and then as a supplement to the Revue et gazette musicale de Paris in 1859. The piece is a medium difficulty short piano piece for intermediate pianists. Some have liked it for its charming and romantic melody: others have described it as "sentimental salon tosh." The pianist and academic Arthur Loesser described it as "this dowdy product of ineptitude."

乙女の祈り  Maiden's Prayer

A Maiden's Prayer Piano - Tekla Bądarzewska-Baranowska Synthesia 100% Speed

Gebet einer Jungfrau - Thécla Badarzewska - piano - Harry Völker

Our planet!

J email from JKS Weerasekera

 9 minutes

Get on Full Screen turn up the volume and Enjoy!!!! 

Treating infections in the pre-antibiotc era.