Saturday, February 20, 2016

Treating infections in the pre-antibiotc era.

Marijuana laced coffee

On the long lorry transport routes in Sri Lanka, there are way side boutiques called ' Rae Kadeys' - Night shops. Long distance drivers stop at these night shops to stretch their legs and have refreshments. Quite a few of  these shops have an item called 'Gun coffee' - Coffee laced with Ganja - Marijuana. These shops are more  prevalent in the Uva  and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. Marijuana use is illegal in Sri Lanka. I have heard that the leaves of the Marijuana plant are crushed and sprinkled over an Omelette during its cooking. It is also used in a fruit drink called 'Sabji', prepared in some Muslim homes in eastern Sri Lanka. which is served to a couple on their wedding night.

Eating breakfast

Microbiome variations

Zika and the 'placental barrier'