Tuesday, November 24, 2015

A Muslim's observations

Inside the plot to kill JFK

The secret story of the CIA and what really happened in Dallas

The official narrative only gets more implausible, especially when you hear the stories of these secret super-spies Those resolute voices in American public life that continue to deny the existence of a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy argue that “someone would have talked.” This line of reas...


Gift to a seven year old

Suicide belt and the "First-aid. Nurse, Paris.

Treatment for Winter Blues.

Unlike the Sunday sads, which are usually cured by takeout, tv and the passage of time, SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, requires a more pointed approach. Light therapy is the most common treatment for the depressive disorder brought on by shorter days and less exposure to natural sunlight. But ...


Monday, November 23, 2015

Two popular oldies

Rhythm Of The Rain - THE CASCADES - With lyrics

Hank Snow & Anita Carter,Mockin Bird Hill

Diabetic blindness could be reversed with eye injection

Injecting the drug ranibizumab into the eyes of diabetics improved their sight and prevented further deterioration Diabetics blinded by the disease have been offered new hope afters scientists unveiled the first new treatment in 40 years. Researchers said that injections of the drug ranibizumab i...
