Friday, August 14, 2015


email from JKS Weerasekera

Received emails - re 1960 entrants Batch get-together 2015

 Received emails

1. From Nadanachandran
Dear Philip,

Trust you and your family are well. Thank you for speakink yo my daughter Shankari. I got your 3rd book from Murugappa Chettiar in Chennai early this year. He had come on a lecture tour to the businees community and was presented this along with another book. He found it very absorbing and well written, a sentiment I totally agree with.

Shankari has been in touch with your publisher.

I know I have been missing the exciting get together you have so well organised. I would have come this year as MR is not in power, bur had earlier arranged to go to Canada to see my sister.

I would very much like to be there nex time.

With best wishes,


Hello Nadana,
As we grow older the memories of the tears, fun and laughter of our young days come streaming back. What a wonderful time we had. Your work to help the disadvantaged is music to our ears. I put this in the CoMSAA Blog which I edit.
Please click on the following web-link to see it.
You could go through the older pages of the blog which I maintain.
Wishing you all the best.

2. from Chandran Ponnambalam
A belated but nevertheless sincere thank you to All who organized our 50th year since graduation reunion. I had a wonderful time & it was well worth the long journey. Since return,  got tied up with some home commitments  until I saw some recent thank you letters & felt I should chip in as well.
             Thank you again & hope we could meet again in the not too distant future while we are still in the departure lounge!
                         Many blessings to all of you,
                                                       Chandran Ponnambalam

 3. from Weerasinghe Somaratne

Email from Weerasinghe Somaratne

We actually feel that after such a brilliant get together our batchmates will have no hesitation in making the event once an year. The main purpose  is to meet again while the sun shines. All the very best Somaratna and Daphne.