Friday, December 5, 2014

Here's looking at you, kid: Pictures of children and their pets

The stunning selection of pictures is taken by Elena Shumilova, who captured the moving moments children from Moscow and Andreapol, in Russia, enjoy with their pets.
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5 December 2014

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Drug Might Heal Spinal Injuries By Sparking Nerve Growth

A scientist who chose to ignore the mainstream nearly 30 years ago has found a new way to regenerate nerves in the spinal cord, at least in animals. A drug that Jerry Silver, a professor of neuroscience at Case 1 Reserve University, helped design a drug that has allowed paralyzed rats to re...

Forget maternity leave - 'women should get PAID menstrual leave'

EXCLUSIVE: Dr Gedis Grudzinskas, a London-based professor of obstetrics and gynecology, says menstrual leave is already recognised in countries such as Japan and Indonesia.
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4 December 2014

Eye-opening interactive map ranks perceptions of corruption.

North Korea's public officials are thought to be the most corrupt in the world, with bribery and backdoor payments just some of the consequences of its crooked institutions.
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4 December 2014

Does a year abroad really expand the mind? Maybe not...

A third of travellers admitted they struggled to make the transition from carefree lifestyle to a nine-to-five work mentality and half said they quickly reverted back to their old ways after a gap year.
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4 December 2014