Wednesday, August 20, 2014

GREAT ideas....

email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai.

 Some old, some new, some helpful, some questionable  

These are great! 

The simplest way to slice a bunch of cherry tomatoes is to sandwich
them between two plastic lids and run a long knife through all of them at once!

Keep brown sugar soft by storing with a couple of marshmallows


Install a regular coat rack low down the wall to store shoes safely off the floor

Use a Post-It note when drilling to catch the dust


Hang onions in cut-up tights or old stockings to make them last for months!

Create a thrifty watering can by puncturing holes in the top of a used milk bottle.

Remove pet hair from furniture and carpets with a squeegee.

Cover paint trays with aluminium foil to make cleaning up afterwards a breeze.

Flip a toaster on its side to make grilled cheese

Use a large muffin tin to cook stuffed peppers in the oven
- it will help keep them upright.

To prevent potatoes budding, add an apple in the bag.

Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water when hard-boiling eggs
to make the shells incredibly easy to peel off.

Use bread tags to label power cords.


Use non-stick cooking spray in votive holders
to prevent wax from sticking to the sides.

WD40 can be used to remove crayon marks from any surface!


When hanging a picture frame, put a dab of toothpaste on the frame
where you need the nails to be. Then simply press against the wall
to leave marks (which can later be wiped) as guides for the nails.

Put a dry towel in with a wet load to reduce the drying time
(this really works, I've been doing it for years!)

To tell if eggs are fresh, immerse them in a bowl of water.
Fresh eggs will lie on the bottom, while stale eggs will float to the surface.

Sprinkle salt in the spaces between patio slabs and at the bottom
of walls to get rid of pesky weeds(but be careful NOT to get
salt near plants you want to keep as salt will kill them!)

To clean a wooden chopping board, sprinkle on a handful of
Kosher salt and rub with half a lemon. Rinse with clean water
and dry to ensure it is clean and germ-free.

Use ice-cubes to lift out indentations made by furniture
on your carpets.

Prevent soil from escaping through the holes in the base of flowerpots
by lining with large coffee filters


To stop the annoying sound of a dripping tap, tie a piece of string
around the faucet which is long enough to reach down to the sink.


To sharpen scissors, simply cut through sandpaper.

A very simple solution to get rid of furniture scratches!

Use rubber bands to help open a jar easily: place one around the
jar lid and another around the middle of the glass.
The rubber provides friction to prevent your hands from slipping.


To prevent your eyes watering while chopping onions,
wipe the chopping board with white vinegar
(which won't affect the taste of the onions)

Store bed sheets inside their pillowcases for easy storage and access

Drop a couple of denture cleaning tablets into the toilet bowl
at night to clean off stubborn stains.


Use cupcake cases to cover drinks glasses in the summer
and prevent flies from dropping in

Use binder clips to keep stacked bottles in place in the fridge

Another way to clean a chopping board is to cover liberally
with Kosher salt and leave overnight. Scrape off with a cloth
in the morning to find the salt has absorbed all moisture
to leave your board clean and dry.

Use egg boxes to store delicate Christmas tree decorations


This has to be the simplest way to open those annoying blister packs!

Use a cut potato to easily remove a broken light bulb

Use chalk to remove grease stains from clothes.
Simply rub white chalk on the affected area and wash as normal
- the chalk will absorb the grease and be washed away in the cycle.

They look pretty too - a great tip for parties!


Place a wooden spoon over a pan to stop the water from boiling over

A genius tip to help prevent paint spillage!


Use a rubber band to rescue a stripped screw


Wrap rubber bands around the ends of a coat hanger
to prevent dresses from slipping off.


Yet another use for drinks can ringpulls!
Use to create a hanging loop for picture frames by screwing into the back

Dangers of Clarithromycin.

Antibiotic taken by millions is linked to heart deaths: Treatment used for bacterial infections linked with 76% higher risk compare with alternative medicine
A British study found clarithromycin, which is widely used for treating common bacterial infections, is linked with a 76 per cent higher risk of heart deaths.
Read the full story:
20 August 2014

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

These Colorized Photos From The Past Will Blow You Away

email from Lesley Sirimanne.

Part 1.
Up until the 1970s, color photography was extremely rare, and so when we think about history prior to that time, we often envision it in black and white. Today’s technology now enables us to “colorize” historical photos, giving us our only chance at seeing what the world really looked like back then. And it was truly spectacular.

Take a trip back in time through these photos below. It’s quite incredible to see Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein in living color.
President Lincoln with Major General McClernand and Allan Pinkerton at Antietam in 1862.

Mark Twain

Albert Einstein, 1921

Albert Einstein on a Long Island beach in 1939.

Winston Churchill, 1941.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mothers' names to be added to marriage register.

The Prime Minister said the change – the first in 150 years – addressed ‘another inequality in marriage’.
Read the full story:

19 August 2014


email from Dawood:-

The Father of Toxicology
Dosis facit venenum.

 ""I am Theophrastus, and greater than those to whom you liken me; I am Theophrastus, and in addition I am monarcha medicorum and I can prove to you what you cannot prove...I need not don a coat of mail or a buckler against you, for you are not learned or experienced enough to refute even a word of mine...As for you, you can defend your kingdom with belly-crawling and flattery. How long do you think this will last?...Let me tell you this: every little hair on my neck knows more than you and all your scribes, and my shoe buckles are more learned than your Galen and Avicenna, and my beard has more experience than all your high colleges. ""
Dosis facit venenum.

—Paracelsus, Selected Writings [27]

1. Paracelsus (/ËŒpærəˈsÉ›lsÉ™s/;  was born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, on the 11 November or 17 December 1493 – 24 . This gave the word 'Bombastic' to English literature.

2. Then we have Cassius Clay - Mohamed Ali, the boxer, utter the famous quip ' Man, I am the Greatest'.

Philip G V

Antics of a midwife,

Midwife snuck off to get high on laughing gas while on duty – then returned to delivery room staggering and slurring her words
Susannah Wheeler secretly inhaled Entonox, putting pregnant mums at risk of harm, at Tameside Hospital, Glossop, Derbyshire (pictured).
Read the full story:

19 August 2014