Sunday, October 6, 2013

Sinhala Youth From Australia Who Taught English to Tamil Schoolchildren in Jaffna - email from jksw

Old Boys of St John's College Jaffna] - 

The parents of this young boy should be commended.

Please refer attachment . It's worth circulating to our Alumni .

I received this just now from my friend in Sydney . I don't know why Rev Gnanaponrajah did not make any mention of this good natured young man during his visit recently.


Sinhala Youth From Australia Who Taught English to Tamil Schoolchildren in Jaffna

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Gorilla reunion - email jksw

Beautiful footage - Gorilla Reunion! Amazing....You've got to see it, to believe!!


SHORT VIDEO: Gorilla Reunion! Amazing -  "Absolutely beautiful" Africa

Just click on: Absolutely beautiful 

World's best Islands - "Sri Lanka #2" National Geographic - email fromjksw

Sri Lanka was ranked second in the World's best Islands by National Geography described as "exotic". 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Vintage photos of Ceylon - email from Sujeeva Rathnayake

Dear Phiip.
A relative of our's sent these photographs to me. I thought they may interest you. The only one that interests me is of "Jamis appu" who is supposed to have wanted to cut down the Sri Mahabodhi" in  July 1929. Have you heard of this? ? a schizophrenic with a voice telling him to cut the tree down?

Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 10:02:09 +0530
Subject: Vintage photo Part 01.pdf

Do patients need to know they are terminally ill?