Monday, March 18, 2013

The Queen's riddle - email jksw

The Queen's Riddle

Barack Obama met with the Queen of England.
He asked her, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give me?"
"Well," said the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people."
Obama frowned, and then asked, "But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?"
The Queen took a sip of tea. "Oh, that's easy; you just ask them to answer an intelligent riddle."
The Queen pushed a button on her intercom. "Please send David Cameron the Prime Minister in here, would you?"
David Cameron walked into the room and said, "Yes, Your Majesty?"
The Queen smiled and said, "Answer me this, please, David. Your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?"
Without pausing for a moment, David Cameron answered, "That would be me."
"Yes! Very good," said the Queen.
Obama went back home to ask Joe Biden the same question.
"Joe, answer this for me. Your mother and your father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?"
"I'm not sure," said Biden. "Let me get back to you on that one!" He went to his advisors and asked everyone, but no one could give him an answer. Finally, Biden ran into Sarah Palin in a restaurant one night.
Biden asked, "Sarah, can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child, and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?"
Sarah Palin answered right back, "That's easy, it's me!"
Biden smiled, and said, Then, he went back to speak with Obama.
"Say, I did some research and I have the answer to that riddle. It's Sarah Palin!"
Obama got up, stomped over to Biden, and angrily yelled into his face, "No! You idiot! It's David Cameron !"

Note by Philip G V 
The above riddle has a parallel and was enacted in Sri Lanka more than 2000 years ago. It relates to The Venerable Mahinda Thera quizzing the King Devanampiya Tissa on how many mango trees were there at the mango grove at Mihinthale. When Mahinda answered the question correctly he was deemed fit to receive instructions on the philosophy of Buddhism. This I presume was the first recorded IQ test in history. This incident is recorded in the Mahawansa - a Pali chronicle - written around 500 AD.

Cricketers of the University of Ceylon, 1962/63

From: Michael Roberts []

Subject: Talent Abundant. The All-Conquering University of Ceylon Cricket Team of 1962/63

Talent Abundant. The All-Conquering University of Ceylon Cricket Team of 1962/63
March 18, 2013
Anonymous Authorin The Island, 16 March 2013
Description: CEYLON UNICKT TEAM 62-63The Ceylon University pool players included seven doctors.
Former members of the University of Ceylon ‘62/63 will gather at the NCC on the morning of March 23 to celebrate their winning the Sara Trophy 50 years ago. Their feat has never been achieved by any other university team. In spite of the heavy burden of studies, they had to contend with, they were able to excel in their chosen sport to win the Sara Trophyin the 1962/63 season. The team consisted of a very talented group of youngsters who were not at all overawed by the might of the opposition, sporting All Ceylon players of that era. They, in their youthful exuberance, overcame all odds in capturing the title. Their conduct off the field was exemplary. They were gentlemen to the core in their behaviour.
Many of them were also accomplished musicians. All these cricketers, without exception have reached the pinnacle of their chosen careers as doctors, engineers, architects, civil servants and veterinarians, both locally and abroad.
The year 1962 saw the coming together of a number of very talented students from various schools in Ceylon of that era to be members of a fantastic cricket team to represent the University of Ceylon in cricket in the local premier tournament, vying for the Saravanamuthu Trophy. These young students of that era, mainly from the Colombo schools, entered university, after passing the very competitive university entrance exam of the era.
The team was skippered by Carlyle Perera, a Josephian, a no nonsense leader and a fourth year medico at that time. He was a hugely talented batsman with an astute cricketing brain and the incredible skills of man management to extract the best efforts from his team members. His deputy was a Thomian – Buddy Reid, another fourth year medico, who was a great cricketer with a never say die attitude and possessing true Thomian grit.
The other members were:
Mano Ponniah –Thomian – Opening bat and superb fielder in the covers. Engineerin student.
NJS de Mel – Royalist – Diminutive and dashing opening bat with no respect for reputations of the opponents.
Nihal Gurusinghe – Thomian – Tall and elegant and attractive batsman to watch when set. Smart in the slips. Medico.
Lareef Idroos – Thomian – A great all-rounder. Leading leg spinner of the era, sound batsman and an excellent slip fielder. – Medico.
Cyril Ernest – Benedictine – Another great all-rounder – Lethal off spinner, dashing bat and a brilliant close in fielder. – Medico.
Mohanlal Fernando – Anandian – All-rounder – Opening bowler with excellent control of swing; middle order batsman and fantastic fielder in close, in and in the deep.
V. Sivanandan – The only outstation schoolboy cricketer in the team – from St. John’s, Jaffna. A fabulous wicket keeper and lower order batsman – Veterinarian.
Harsha Samarajiva – Royalist – Opening bowler, with a vicious well concealed bouncer who intimidated many an opposing batsman. Lower order bat. Close in fielder. Medico.
URP Goonetilleke – Thomian – A solid opening bat; fielded in the covers and also bowled medium pace cutters when needed. Medico.
K. Wimalaratne – Royalist – A stubborn batsman and a medium pace bowler. Fielded in the outfield.
Nanda Senanayake – Royalist – Superb allrounder – middle order bat, off spinner and a great fielder in the covers. Physical Science student.
Kingsley Fernando – St. Sebastian’s College, Moratuwa. A dashing bat, leg spinner and excellent fielder close in fielder. Engineering.
Merril Guneratne – St. Peter’s College – Left arm medium pace swing bowler with excellent control of line and length. Fielded in the mid-on and mid-off positions. Underrated batsman who sold his wicket very early. The only student from the Arts Faculty.
Adiel Anghie – Peterite – Reserve wicket keeper. Solid Middle order bat. Medico.
Unselfishness and team camaraderie were the foremost attributes instilled into the minds by their leader, Carlyle Perera. This did pay dividends. It must also be mentioned that in the following season, the university were runners-up to Bloomfield and lost by the barest of margins of 0.04 points due to one missed catch. Well, that’s cricket.
The team has since lost some of their members, and the surviving members of the champion team are back in Sri Lanka to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of winning the championship and they will be celebrating at a couple of events in a resort hotel down South, and at the NCC, at a reception for the team.
It has to be noted that six members of that great team subsequently played in representative Ceylon sides – Buddy Reid (also played for Ceylon in Table Tennis), Mano Ponniah (also played for Cambridge, England.), Nihal Gurusinghe, Lareef Idroos (also played for USA), Cyril Ernest (also played for the USA and in the World Cup -Birmingham, England) and V. Sivanandan.
Where are they now?
Carlyle Perera – Melbourne, Australia. Consultant Psychiatrist.
Buddy Reid – Melbourne, Australia. Consultant Surgeon.
Nihal Gurusinghe – Tepuke, New Zealand. Consultant Internist.
Mano Ponniah – Back home in Colombo. Renowned Architect.
Lareef Idroos – Los Angeles, USA. Consultant Nephrologist. Retired professor UCLA.
Cyril Ernest -Lancaster, California. USA. Consultant Cardiologist.
Harsha Samarajiva – Back home in Colombo. Much sought after Internist.
Mohanlal Fernando – Wales. Retired Rheumatologist and specialist in Sports Medicine.
V. Sivanandan – Resides in Malaysia. Emeritus Professor in Veterinary Sciences, University of Minnesota.
Kingsley Fernando – Colombo. Retired Chief Engineer, Colombo.
Nanda Senanayake – Colombo.
Adiel Anghie – Virginia, USA. Retired Consultant Pulmonologist.
Merril Guneratne – Colombo. Retired DIG.
Unfortunately, NJS de Mel, K. Wimalaratne and URP Goonetilleke are not with us anymore. NJS was an executive at Ceylon Tobacco. He died in Sri Lanka. K. Wimalaratne, a consultant Cardiologist tragically drowned in California, while URP Goonetilleke, a Consultant Pathologist died in England.
Mohanlal Fernando represented Wales at tennis. Buddy Reid represented Australia in the Masters Table Tennis International tourney and Cyril Ernest achieved the distinction of gaining his Black Belt in Tae Kwondo [an also played for USA in Cricket at the Fworld cup in UK]..
All of them were university students first, though they were in the limelight due to their sporting abilities and that studies did supersede sports. For those representing the country today in various sports, the members of the ‘62-63 team are an example. It would be pertinent to mention that they were able to combine the two. Some of them represented the university in cricket, but other sports as well.
Buddy Reid – Cricket and Table Tennis
Cyril Ernest – Cricket and Hockey
Mohanlal Fernando – Cricket and Badminton
V. Sivanandan – Cricket and Soccer.
URP Goonetilleke – Cricket and Hockey
K. Wimalaratne – Cricket and Hockey.
Nanda Senanayake – Cricket, Hockey an

Friday, March 15, 2013

Childhood pictures - email jksw


The psychiatrist tells me this is probably where your problems all started !!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Politics - email from Sunil Liyanage.

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber~Plato

The problem with political jokes is they get elected~Henry Cate, VII

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office~Aesop

If we got one-tenth of what was promised to us in these campaign speeches there wouldn't be any inducement to go to heaven~Will Rogers

Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. ~Nikita Khrushchev

When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President. I'm beginning to believe it. ~Clarence Darrow

If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates~Jay Leno

I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them~Adlai Stevenson, campaign speech, 1952
A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country~Texas Guinan

Any American who is prepared to run for president should automatically, by definition, be disqualified from ever doing so.~Gore Vidal

I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians~Charles de Gaulle

Politics is supposed to be the second-oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first. ~Ronald Reagan
Politics: [Poly "many" + tics "blood-sucking parasites"] ~Larry Hardiman

Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks~Doug Larson

Don't vote, it only encourages them~Author Unknown

There ought to be one day - just one - when there is open season on senators and congressmen~Will Rogers

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ripe Bananas - email from Kamalini Kanapathyppillai.

 Subject:   Caution while selecting bananas 
Selling of forced ripened bananas is so true and becoming a common thing. How do we stop it?
I believe mangoes are also dipped in a chemical to stop getting rotten. Note how tasteless
they were this summer?

Caution when selecting bananas

At the rate of $1.99 – $6.99 per KG.
, death is being sold nowadays in our markets.

My request for everybody is to be vigilant.

Friends, we all love bananas and we eat a lot of them, but the bananas available in the market are forced ripe by dipping in water mixed with Carbide.

The consumption of these bananas is 100% sure to cause Cancer or some other infection in the stomach. Therefore, such type of bananas are to be avoided.

But, how does one recognize the bananas ripened with the help of Carbide? 

which are ripened naturally are dark yellow and have small black spots here and there on the bananas and thestalks are black.

Those which are forced ripe with Carbide are 
lemon yellow and their stalks are green and they are clear yellow without any black spots. 

Now, what is Carbide and how is it harmful?
Carbide is a chemical which if mixed with water, emits heat

The heat emitted by a closed tank mixed with Carbide is even more than that emitted by a LPG Cylinder - it can be used for Gas Cutting (which means the calorific value is so high that it can replace LPG gas).

In the same way, when the bunch of bananas are dipped in the water mixed with Carbide, the gas gets absorbed into the bananas and they get ripe.

However, the banana vendors are not that literate and so they do not know the exact proportion of Carbide to be used for a dozen of bananas.

As a result they end up using excess quantity of Carbide which gets absorbed into the bananas and ultimately enters our stomach.

Due to this excess use of Carbide, Tumours can be formed in our digestive system.

So, next time you purchase bananas, make sure you select the naturally ripened ones. 

Please pass it on to others in your mailing list.