Sunday, July 4, 2010

Reunion at Habarana

The reunion at Habarana wound up successfully. A grand time was had by all of us. The photos taken and the action photos will follow.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Email from Nalini

Dear all,
Sarojini has got a great idea - why dont as many of us as possible - specially those who are not coming to Habarana - meet at the Faculty at 8am on the 1st? Just to say Hi! & see if we recognize each other! ALL are welcome. Please do come! See you.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Get together at Habarana

HABARANA 2nd, 3rd & 4th July 2010, for the Golden Jubilee Reunion
FRIDAY 2nd July 2010
6 am – Buses leave from Cinnamon Grand (former Oberoi) – Colombo.
Breakfast on the way at Ambepussa. Trip cost Rs. 2500
10 am – Buses arrive at Dambulla.
9am – 11 am : Registration at Dambulla.
1. Pay Rs.1000/- towards the cost of the group photo & retain the receipt which must be shown to receive your copy of the photograph on Sunday morning.
2. Make sure you also collect your free 1. Souvenir, 2. CD of Batch 1960 Bio-data, 3. Your Name tag.
3. You will also receive a specially printed song book free at the Peduru Party.
4. I. There will be a stall where the following books will be on sale :-
a. 'Remembered Vignettes' - by Philip Veerasingam - Edited by Tissa Kappagoda.Rs. 1000/-
b. 'The cry of the devil-bird' - by Philip Veerasingam - Edited by Tissa Kappagoda. Rs.1000/-
c. Articles submitted by Batch mates - Edited by Tissa Kappagoda - Rs 500/-
II. Two CD's :-
a. Old melodies of Sri Lanka - music only. Rs.250/-
b. Old photos of Sri Lanka - Rs.250/-
4. Please note that Lunch & Dinner will be at Habarana Lodge for ALL on both days.
Those booked in at Chaya Village will have their breakfast at Chaya Village for convenience.
12 noon – 1 pm : Lunch ( Buffet style at Habarana Lodge for all).
Afternoon Options : Swim, Siesta, Safari, Swap stories, Gossip Sessions.
Get set for the evening session. Please observe the dress code. Sarongs & redde available on sale.
Girls : ‘Reddhe & Hatte’, ‘Paavaadai & Sattai’, or equivalent.
Boys : ‘Sarong’ and shirt, ‘Verty & shawl’ with upper garment or equivalent.
A prize will be awarded for the best dressed .
5 pm : Remembering our departed friends
Few words & lighting of candle by Sarath
Photo presentation by Phillip
Music by Buddy.
6pm : Concert
We need more volunteers to give items. Please oblige. Contact Sarath, Wedi, Geri or anyone!
7.15 pm : ‘Paduru party’
Song books will be handed out by Piyaseeli Wedisinghe. Come early to make sure you get a copy!
8.30 pm : Dinner commences for the hungry – at Habarana Lodge for all
8.45 pm : Sing-along of ‘golden oldies’ – Band ‘Lucky’
Song books will be distributed.
Bring your own hard liquor to share with colleagues.
Buy your own soft drinks and beer from the hotel bar.

SATURDAY 3rd July 2010
7 am : Breakfast (dressed for the group photo)
Dress code : Shirt and tie / saree
8 am – Photographs in groups.
A “group” consists of about 8-12. Please collect your “group” and come together to save time.
Give your names properly spelt to Asoka Dissanayake.
Photos will be ready for collection at 8 am Sunday. Bring your receipt.
10 am – 1 pm : Scientific Sessions (15-20 minute presentations)
1 pm - 2pm : Lunch – Buffet style at Habarana Lodge for all
Afternoon : Leisure time – Plan your own short trips.
7.30 pm : Join Ceremonial Procession for Gala Dinner site.
8 pm onwards : Gala Dinner & Dance.
SUNDAY 4th July 2010
8 am : Breakfast.
Settle your room charges & any extras bill.
Collect you Group photos. (Please have your receipt ready).
11am : Good bye! Au Revoir ! Till we meet again

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

emails from Nalini

1. daya & nalini rodrigo to me
Physicians - please advice regarding prophylaxis. I'll just give some points to consider :
1. Daya & I travel around SL a lot - specially Yala - & we've never taken malaria prophylaxis.
2. On the other hand Lucky J got a severe attack of malaria a couple of years back after visiting Kataragama.
3. Did any of us take prophylaxis 5 years ago at Habarana?
4. Mosquitos are more likely in Colombo than at Habarana -specially with AC - although the Gala dinner might attract some.
5. The dangerous mossies (Dengue & Chicken gunya) are out during the day 10am to 3pm & go to sleep at night.
Overall, I'd advice some form of mosquito repellent body spray, AC & fans.
The final decision is upto you!

Dear all,
Buddy cant come on the 30th & we cant have the rest of the team going on strike at the last minute - so change of dates again!
Actually there are a lot of other reasons to change from 30th to 1st.
1. 30th - all heads of departments will be at the Senate meeting.
2. Everyone will be in SL by the 1st.
3. Harsha (Dean) has given us a date for the 1st of July 8.30am.
So everything fits in. Please treat this date & time as final & be in the Library (1st Floor) - at 8 am.
No barriers - just walk in & say you owned the place 50 years ago!
See you!

3. Please - if everyone gives their dates of arrival & return we could get a date where most of you could join.

Monday, June 21, 2010

e mail from Nalini

Dear Nana,There is a University senate meeting on the 30th afternoon so all heads of department will be there & we cant have even an Acting Dean at that time.According to the few emails received most people are coming to SL about the 28th-29th so I guess its not possible to have a meeting before that?I've made a decision to forget about the Dean & heads & meet Piyusha & colleagues at the Physiology Dept for the donation of the spirometer & books to the individual departments at 3pm on the 30th. All are welcome - Buddy's team, Nana's team & anyone else interested to visit the Medical College that day.See you there!nalini