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When you say balls, I’m assuming you
mean testicles, of course ;)
Of course, being male, MALE
elephants have to have testicles, as that’s the case for nearly every male
mammal (I said nearly). What elephants don’t have is a scrotum. Weird, huh? I
did some searching, and found a diagram that shows what I mean.
So they DO have balls. They just don’t have
external balls. It’s like a whale, except apparently elephants never showed any
sign in evolutionary past that they ever had a scrotum; when whales possibly
did. Whales’ testicles are on the inside of their bodies to keep them at the
perfect temperature. If most other mammals (including humans) had their balls on
the inside, sperm would get cooked. That’s why most have an actual scrotum. But
as for whales, in the water they would likely get too cold for sperm
production. So it seems elephant