Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hitler and Eva Braun ‘had sex without touching each other or taking their clothes off’.

 because he was so fanatical about hygiene, claims author Martin Amis
Speaking at the Cheltenham Festival of Literature, the novelist claimed he believes the German dictator kept Eva at arm’s length and would achieve orgasm just by watching her lift her skirt.
Read the full story:
13 October 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014

Rainbow and lightening.

Enjoy it while it lasts! Warm weather to be swept away by 50mph winds
Storm-chasing photographer Jamie Russell captured the incredible split-second moment that the lightning struck above the rainbow over Culver, on the Isle of Wight.
Read the full story:

13 October 2014

Boxing legend Muhammad Ali so ill from Parkinson's he can barely speak, says his brother.

The three-time world heavyweight champion was diagnosed with the disease in 1984 but his condition has gradually deteriorated and he is now mostly housebound and unable to speak.
Read the full story:

13 October 2014

Should you ditch dairy?

Celebrities like Megan Fox (inset) put their super-slim figures down to ditching dairy while Victoria Beckham (inset) is said to have got rid of her bad skin by going vegan
Read the full story:

13 October 2014

What NOT to say to a woman who has incurable cancer.

Lucy O'Donnell, 50, from West Sussex, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011, aged 47, now the mother-of-three writes about her experience during and after chemotherapy.
Read the full story:
13 October 2014

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Kanthalai rest-house and environs, Sri Lanka.

Please click on the web-link below with speakers on:-


email from
Gallege De Silva
23:08 (6 hours ago)
Please forward to your friends.


Please take time to read this.
is a poem
written by a teenager with cancer.

She wants to
see how many
people get her poem.

It is quite the poem
Please pass it
This poem was written by a terminally ill young girl in a
New York Hospital .

It was sent by
 a medical doctor -
Make sure to read what is in the closing statement


Have you ever watched kids
 on a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
 slapping on the ground?

Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day
 on the fly?
When you ask, “How are you?”
Do you hear the reply?

When the day is done, do you lie in your bed,
with the next hundred chores running through your head?

You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his

Ever lost touch,
 let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,'Hi'

You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last..

When you run so fast to get somewhere,
You miss half the fun of getting there.

When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.

Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.


Dear All:
PLEASE pass this mail on to everyone you know -
even to those you don't know!
It is the request of a special girl, who will soon leave this world
due to cancer.

This young girl has 6 months left to live,
and as her dying wish, she wanted to send a letter telling everyone to
live their life to the fullest, since she never will.

She'll never make it to prom, graduate from high school,
or get married and have a family of her own.

By you sending this to as many people as
possible, you can give her and her family a
little hope, because with every name
that this is sent to, the American
Cancer Society will donate 3 cents per name
to her treatment and recovery
plan. One guy sent this to 500 people! So I know
that we can at least send it to 5 or 6.
It's not even your money, just your time!