Saturday, July 20, 2013

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pair of Doctors - email sent by Lesley Sirimanne

Sharing office space
Best friends graduated from medical school at the same time and decided, that in spite of two different specialties, they would open a
practice together to share office space and personnel.

Dr. Smith was the psychiatrist and Dr. Jones was the proctologist; they put up a sign reading: Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones: Hysterias and Posteriors.

The town council was livid and insisted they change it.

The docs changed it to read: Schizoids and Hemorrhoids.

This was also not acceptable so they again changed the sign to read Catatonics and High Colonics - no go.

Next they tried Manic Depressives and Anal Retentives - thumbs down again.

Then came Minds and Behinds - still no good.

Another attempt resulted in Lost Souls and Butt Holes - unacceptable again!

So they tried Nuts and Butts - no way.

Freaks and Cheeks - still no good.

Loons and Moons - forget it.

Almost at their wit's end, the docs finally came up with: Dr. Smith and Dr. Jones - Specializing in Odds and Ends.

Everybody loved it.

What Confucius Didn't Say - email from jksw

During our student days there were many wise-cracks with the preceding words 'Confucius says'.
Here are a few newer collections.
Man who wants pretty nurse, must be patient.

Passionate kiss, like spider web, leads to undoing of fly.

Squirrel who runs up woman's' leg will not find nuts.

Man who leaps off cliff jumps to conclusion.

Man who fight with wife all day get no piece at night.

It takes many nails to build a crib, but one screw to fill it.

Man who stands on toilet is high on pot.

Man who fish in other man's well often catch crabs.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

World War 2 story - email jksw

WW II true story ...........

Look carefully at the B-17 and note how shot up it is - one engine dead, tail, horizontal stabilizer and nose shot up. It was ready to fall  out of the sky. (This is a painting done by an artist from  the description of both pilots many years later.)

Then  realize that there is a German ME-109 fighter flying next to  it. Now read the story below.


Charlie Brown was a B-17 Flying Fortress  pilot with the 379th Bomber Group at Kimbolton, England .  

His B-17 was called 'Ye Old Pub' and having been hit by flak and fighters was in a terrible  state.

The compass was damaged, and they were flying deeper over enemy territory,  instead of heading home to Kimbolton.
  After the  B-17 was discovered as it flew over an enemy airfield, a German pilot, Franz Steigler, was ordered to take off and shoot down  the B-17.

When Steigler got near the B-17, he could not  believe his eyes.

He 'had never seen a  plane in such a bad state'.. The tail and rear section  was severely damaged, and the tail gunner wounded. The  top gunner was all over the top of the fuselage. The  nose was smashed and there were holes  everywhere.

Despite  having ammunition, Franz flew to the side of the B-17 and  looked at  pilot Brown.

Brown was  struggling to control his damaged and blood-stained plane.

BF-109 pilot Franz Stigler and B-17 pilot Charlie Brown

Realising  that the pilot had no idea where they were going, Franz waved at Charlie to turn 180 degrees.

And Franz escorted and guided the stricken plane to, and  slightly over, the North Sea towards England .. He then  saluted Charlie Brown and turned away, back to Europe  ..
When Franz landed he  told the CO that the plane had been shot down over the sea.

Charlie Brown and the  remains of his crew told all at their briefing, but were  ordered never to talk about it.

More  than 40 years later, Charlie Brown wanted to find the  Luftwaffe pilot who saved the crew.

After years of research,  Franz was found.

Franz had never talked about the incident, not  even at post-war reunions.

Both  met in the USA at a 379th Bomber Group reunion, together with 25 people who were alive - all because Franz never fired his guns that day.

(L-R) German Ace Franz Stigler, artist Ernie Boyett, and B-17 pilot Charlie Brown.

When asked why he didn’t shoot them down, Stigler later said, "I didn't have the heart to finish those brave men. I flew beside them for a long time.  They were trying desperately to get home and I was going to  let them do that. I could not have shot at them. It would have  been the same as shooting at a man in a  parachute."  

Both  men died in 2008.

Early Jewish encounters in Sri Lanka.

Lanka - Early Jewish Encounters
A bit of very ancient ‘history’ which is possibly more than folk  lore.
Suggests that some ships did sail  across the oceans to us 3000 years ago in times of king Solomon.

Nagas are the people mentioned of both in India and Lanka of whom there is no trace, probably assimilated into other cultures.

3000 years ago, the Palk St. would have been less than the 25 miles of today, if one were to accept that  8000 years ago the two countries had been connected.

Being mentioned by foreigners as here, Nagas may have lived around the coasts of both countries, thus noted as they may have been involved in  trade with foreigners.  Nagas get clear mention in the original Mahawamsa ( by Mahanama 4th C AD ) of Sri Lanka.

Someday archeology around our ancient ports may throw up artifacts on ancient seafaring connections. Thor Heyerdahl in the early 1950s while in Ceylon, on his sail  trip with the winds did tell us to dig around our ancient ports, which we have not done so far.

A large part of present Sri Lankans be they Sinhalese or Tamils have most probably a large genetic lineage. Names like Nagaratnam, Nagasena, Nagamma recall this ancestry.
Philip G V
“Vamadevan argues based on early manuscripts that Solomon’s ships sailed to the land of Ophir, the land of the Nagas, early descendants of the Island of Sri Lanka [13].”
Lanka - Early Jewish Encounters

Route 1 (Pre-Portuguese Occupation):
                             Traveled to India
Sephardic Jews from Africa, Palestine, Afghanistan  Ã˜ Trading Boats  Ãˆ       Ã´
                                                        ÃŠ Traveled to Ceylon

Early Jewish Encounters

The city of Galle, in the Southern Province is more commonly known as an important historical site (having UNESCO World Heritage listing) of Dutch occupation of the Island in the 1700’s.

In terms of folk law, Galle is also the place identified as the Tarshish in the Torah.

The period was 1,000 BCE

and the ships of Hiram and King Solomon were rumored to have visited the shores to trade[10].

Solomon’s ship was built at Ezion-Geber[11], near the Red Sea and took three years to make the round trip[12].

Vamadevan argues based on early manuscripts that Solomon’s ships sailed to the land of Ophir, the land of the Nagas, early descendants of the Island of Sri Lanka [13].

In support of this claim Tennant provides an extensive review of Hebrew and Persian literature[14].

Recent research by Tampoe (1995), whilst not addressing the issue of Jewish travel and trade

speculates that the Indian Ocean was divided by the great civilizations into three distinct trading zones with points of intersection and exchange[15].

Although Boperachchi[16] disputes the claim that Red Sea traders came to Ceylon (known as Taprobanê) as well as India,

on the basis that the long sea voyage restricted return travel to the monsoon winds,

eminent classical studies scholar D.P.M. Weerakkody begs to differ.

In his study of 6 century Greek writer Cosmas Indicopleustes, known as the “Indian Navigator”, points to the existence of Sri Lanka being an important site of international commerce in the eastern trade route[17].

From other manuscripts we can discern a somewhat later, but still ancient presence of Jews and their participation, if not integration into civic life.

Islamic geographic Abdullah el Idris (1099 – 1166) (sometimes known as Edrisi) in Scriptorum Arabum de Rebus Indicis Loci [18]

notes that in the ninth century, the Sinhala King [likely to be Kasyapa IV ruled 858 - 891]

who advocated an integrated society built around religious tolerance established a council of sixteen officials to advise him: “… four were Buddhists, four Mussulums [sic], four Christians and four Jews”[19]. 

According to Gilbert (1990) in the year 1170C.E. there were 3,000 Jews living in the Island today know as Sri Lanka[20].

This assertion is based on the writings of Rabbi Benjamin of Tudela, Spain,

whose manuscript Sefer Hamasot (Book of Travel) documents his travels to Jewish communities during the period 1154 – 1174 and records the size and economic conditions of the communities, including a community in Ceylon

How Spain Gets Rid Of Stupid People - email jksw

 The Way Spain Gets Rid of Its Stupid People


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Five laughs - email jksw

A man is dying of cancer, but keeps telling people he is dying of AIDS.
His son asked Dad why?
He answered, so that when I am dead, no one will sleep with your mum.
A lady lost three panties in her house and blamed her maid in front of the husband.
Maid said sir you are my witness you know I never wear panties.
Couple is having a quickie and their 6 year old catches them,
Son: "What are you doing?" Ask the son.
Father: "I'm putting petrol on your Mom."
Son: "Haauu - Haauu! Which means Mom's engine is taking too much petrol cause Mr Zwane has put in yesterday."
Mother fainted!

A man went to the pub with his wife.
When he left for the counter to buy drinks a prostitute approached his wife & whispered:
"You must DEMAND cash before sex, I know him he doesn't pay.
A  boy is accused of rape.
In court his lady lawyer holds his dick out as evidence saying, "Your honour see this, can he rape with this tiny tot?
The boy whispers, "Don't shake it, or
we'll lose the case!"