Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Recall of Memories - Tissa Kappagoda.

email from Lakshman Karalliedde

9:54 PM (7 hours ago)

Sent: Tue, Feb 3, 2015 12:12:29 PM 

 Hi again Kanthi and Lakshman,

We are being rushed to have the memorial for Tissa on the 14th March. (By the priest....he is saying it is too long to wait)  As a result I am once again asking for your help.  Manel is hoping to find a venue that will allow us to webcast part or all of the proceedings.

I am told that if you scan a picture or a photo into the computer you can send it as an e-mail and it will arrive in the inbox as a "Jpeg"
file. This is way, way above my techspertise but I am assured that it works.

I am sure you must have many memories, stories, anecdotes, school pictures, adolescent times, cricket matches, times at Trinity and subsequently in Colombo.

Would you be willing to share some of them with me?  Tissa really never talked about himself so anything would be so welcome.  Tell me if they can be shared as the patients are very hungry for any information about him.

Any funny pictures or stories about him would be great as everyone here thinks of him as  in a three piece suit ,tie and cuff links and always solemn. Any pictures of him learning Buddhism?  I seem to remember that he was taught at the temple at an early age ,so a picture of that would be great.

We are hoping to have a wall of tributes, one of stories and one of his paintings , books, articles and press cuttings so anything at all that you would be willing to share with me will be treasured.  Insights into his life before he left Sri Lanka as well as  time in England and Canada.  So anything at all that you have that can be scanned into the computer and that you feel will be appropriate will be welcomed.  As you can imagine I am not at my best just now to undertake such a project so I need all the help I can get rom the Sri Lankan community around the world who knew him.  Feel free to pass my request on to anyone anywhere you think might be interested in helping me.



Hi Batch-mates,
This is a request for memories and photos from Mary Kappagoda. Any of you could contribute. Send your contributions by email to :-

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