Wednesday, February 4, 2015


email from 

Senaka Weeraratna 

British Pathe short film on Independence celebrations held 50 years ago in Badulla to mark 17th anniversary of Ceylon Independence (1965)

Various shots of the celebrations in Badulla to mark the 17th anniversary of Ceylon Independence. Prime Minister Mrs Sirima Bandaranaika and Governor General Mr William Gopallawa with a host of officials watch the parade. Various shots of the parade: soldiers marching, tanks, marching bands, elephants, schoolchildren, flag bearers, gymnasts, traditional performers and dancers, decorated floats etc. 
Shots of Dr. N.M. Perera, Dr. Mackie Ratwatte, Anil Moonesinghe, Thomas Amarasuriya, Felix Dias Bandaranaike, A.P. Jayasuriya, T.B. Ilangaratne, M.P. De Z. Siriwardene among others are vividly shown. 
The pageantry drawn from Sri Lanka's history showing reputed freedom fighters is part of this spectacle. 

Duration: 4.08 minutes

This video has no sound

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