Thursday, August 12, 2010

emails re 'the lecture'

Email from Nana - 13/8/2010
Dear Philip
We are very pleased indeed with the honour they bestowed on you by inviting you to to deliver the Commencement Lecture.
The academics seem to have enjoyed very much but it is most likely that the medical students would have been even more impressed and fortunate to have someone with such high esteem and humility giving them the guidance they really can emulate.
We are very proud indeed to share this honour as batch mates.
Best wishes

Email from Karu – 13/8/2010
My dear Philip,
Congratulations on delivering this year’s commencement lecture. As a batchmate and a close friend I feel proud that you were selected for this.I have no doubt knowing you as well as I do [your dedication to hard work and meticulous nature] and reading all those books etc that you would have delivered a fantastic speech.
I wish I could have been there to listen to it in person, I am less fortunate from that point of view, however I feel that who were there were more than fortunate to have listened to a memorable lecture.I certainly hope it would enable them to train themselves to become good doctors and above all good citizens of Sri lanka.
Congratulations once again,

Email from Milroy – 12/8/2010
Dear Phillip,
I was very impressed with your presentation and felt privileged to have known you and having been a batch mate. I forwarded the presentation to my two children
Kind regards

Dear Milroy,
Thanks for the comments re the lecture. It was really the formative years in the Faculty of Medicine in our times, which shaped our outlooks later. The interaction with my batch-mates went a long way towards shaping these attitudes.
Thank you once again.

Email from Daya Jayasinghe 13/8/2010
Dear Phil,
Yout lecture is fascinating.Our batch is honoured by what you spoke.I wish we had a similar introduction at our admission.Its what you do that matters. In 1956 melbourne olympics in a long distance race an Aussie athlete witnessed a close rival fall. He stopped helped him and continued the run and won it. Later he was appointed Governer of Vivctoria.
Best wishes,
Daya J.

Hello Daya,
Thanks for your comments re the lecture.
It was the caramaderie and interaction with our ‘Batch of 1960’, that shaped our out looks in life. I am indeed indebted to the batch for this.

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