Thursday, August 12, 2010

emails from Karals and Tissa re 'the lecture'.

email from Karals
7th August 2010
To both,
I am beginning to see dreams in day light- where credit is given when it is due and some professionals at least - most importantly teachers are realizing that there is more to impart to students than the path of the sciatic nerve. We are very proud of you and I consider it one of the most philosophically pragmatic presentations I have read. Philosophising is all what they do sipping whiskies-you have blended philosophy and the teaching of the MASTERS to the practice of medicine, learning etc. I am delighted that Tissa's painting would remain a symbol ad infinitum - of dedication and loyalty to an institution that nutured us- Well done to both, proud to be with you on many a venture.

Email from Tissa
8th August 2010
Dear Philip,
> I had the opportunity to view your entire presentation only today.
> It brought together all your philosophical musing that you tried
> to convey in the two books and it would have been a great talk for
> the students to hear upon graduation. Careers are measured in
> terms of what you have done for others in contrast to wealth
> acquired. Congratulations!
> I wish you had mentioned that you were planning to use the picture
> when I met you at the reunion. I would have been more than happy
> to give you the original for the purpose. If the Dean agrees I
> suggest you exchange the original for the copy you gave him - I
> can mail it to you by Fedex. I could also send you a CD
> containing the picture and I am happy for them to use it for
> whatever promotional venture they wish.
> All the best,
> Tissa

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