Saturday, October 17, 2020

Odds and ends, Bridge over the river Kwai,

 Bridge over the river Kwai

Life in British India

Dehena Ella - waterfall, Rathnapura, Sri Lanka

What are the fundamental differences between the three schools of Buddhism?

Extracted from 'Quora'

Good question! Simplest answer may be geographical. As the boat of BuddhaDharma docked at various ports, it mixed with the native culture.

        Theravada refers to teachings in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, etc.

        Mahāyāna refers to teachings in China, Korea, Japan, etc

        Vajrayāna refers to teachings in Mongolia, Tibet, etc

        For centuries, these traditions evolved within the borders of nationality 

Some distinctive elemental characteristics :

    Theravada emphasizes the historical Buddha, his teachings as recorded in Pali, and the original community of followers; in this tradition is found also emphasis on mindfulness, and detailed analysis of psychological states and transformation.

    Mahāyāna is more innovative, such as in seeing the Buddha as historical, and also transcendent (humans who become saints, deities who embody cosmic principals such as wisdom and compassion, etc). In terms of practice, there's a shift in initial intention, aspiring towards the trans-human (bodhisattvahood).

    Vajrayāna combines rigorous analytical discernment with devotional heart; particular practices include mantra, visualization.


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