Saturday, May 25, 2019

Odds and ends

Hard to pronounce words in  English

Origin of language

Origin of Nursery rhymes

1.       Green leaves of summer -

Wo... wo...
A time to be reaping
A time to be sowing
The green leaves of summer
Are calling me home "
Twas so good to be young then
In the season of plenty
When the catfish were jumping
As high as the sky

A time just for planting
A time just for ploughing
A time to be courting
A girl of your own "
Twas so good to be young then
To be close to the earth
And to stand by your wife
At the moment of birth, wo...

A time to be reaping
A time to be sowing
A time just for living
A place for to die "
Twas so good to be young then
To be close to the earth
Now the green leaves of summer
Are calling me home "
Twas so good to be young then
To be close to the earth
Now the green leaves of summer
Are calling me home

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