Friday, August 3, 2018

Obituary - Demise of our Batchmate Durumila Gunawardena

Manasara Wedisinghe
9:48 PM (6 hours ago)

 Dear All.

It  is  my  sad  and sorrowful  duty ,  to inform  you  of  the passing  away  of  our  dear  friend   Durumila Gunawardena.

The  news  was  passed  on to me  by   Udula Pathirana.

Details  of  the  funeral  arrangements   are  not  known.

Philip  :   please  put  this  notice  on  the  Blog.

Mana Wedisinghe

Asoka Jayaweera
10:07 PM (6 hours ago)

Thank you for notice. I had planned to visit her again when I was there for the re-union but elected not to when I heard about the decision her family and doctors / caretakers, had made because of her incurable and progressive neurological condition. Maybe I was a coward but I did not know how to react with her with this information. May she attain sumsara !
Duru's funeral
Udula Pathirana
12:23 AM (3 hours ago)

to me
Dear Philip, 
Further to Wedi's message to you, I was told by Duru's husband that the funeral will be in Sunday in Kanatta. I didn't ask the time as I am in UK and cannot attend. But if you ring her home, 0112697188 you will be able to get the details from someone there. 
Hope you are well. Take care.

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