Thursday, August 16, 2018

A medical student’s surprise encounter

 Courting a fellow female medical student was termed ‘capping’ in the 1960s .This story relates to one of our seniors at the Colombo Medical Faculty. He was a rather shy handsome person with a good academic record. We will call him ‘N’ He went on his first  visit to the De Saram Ladies Medical Hostel to meet the female medico whom he was ‘capping’ He walked into the lounge of the hostel, to be met by an elderly lady whom he presumed to be the warden of the hostel. He told the lady that he wanted to meet the medical student Miss ‘M’. The elderly lady had smiled on hearing the mentioned name and asked who was calling on her. ‘N’ feeling a bit shy had replied that he was ‘M’s brother. At this the lady had replied that she did not know of a brother whom Miss. ‘N’ had. She added that she ought to know that with certainty because she was the mother of Miss. ‘N’ and she had no sons up to that time.
          The romance proceeded smoothly and ended in a successful marriage later.

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