Tuesday, July 17, 2018

List of our departed batch-mates

Dear All,

Due to a printing mistake the names of some of our bereaved batch mates have not appeared in the souvenir printed for the 2018 Reunion of the Medical Batch of 1960. We deeply regret the error. The complete list of the departed batch mates is attached. - EDITORS

Medical Batch of 1960
We remember our departed batch-mates
July 2018
Abeynaike, C L V
Alwis, Keerthi H
Amarasinghe, Gunasoma
Aponsu, W M M A
Arulananthan, T
Balasundaram, Appiah
De Silva, Basil
De Silva, J B C
De Silva, Merle
Dias, Jayasinghe E A
Duraisingham, M
Ediriwira, Kamala
Fernando, Dayasiri
Fernando, K A J P
Fonseka, G D
Fonseka, M N T
Gajaweera, Neville P
Ganeshanayagam, K
Gnanasegaram, K
Gonsaga, M D L
Gunathilake, G
Gunathunga, Pemsin
Gurunathan, G
Jameel, A H M
Jayasekara, Perin
Jayasundera, H D
Jayawardana, L D
Jeyaratnam, Joe
Johnpulle, Geneview
Kanagaratnam, Navamalar
Kandiah, Mercy
Kandiah, Parameshwaran
Kappagoda, C T
Kapuwatte, Sarath
Karthigesu, R
Karunakaran, C S
Liyanage, Isabella
Manuel, Godfrey
Mendis, Lalith
Muniratne, Metta
Murugananthan, N
Nadarajah, K
Nadarajah, Manoharan
Nanayakkara, Siri
Panchach, Aram V
Panchacharam, Padmini
Pathmanathan, Sivanesan
Pemawansa, Swarna
Perera, M A C
Perera, Shanthana
Perera, Sujatha
Rajapaksa, Dayananda
Rajapaksa, Padma
Ramanathan, Linus
Ramanathan, Rita
Rasalingam, N
Rasamuttiah, T
Samarasiri, H H S
Selvanayagam, Rita
Sivaguru, K S
Sivapalan, M
Somadasa, Kongahavitage
Subasinghe, Srima
Subramanium, Kamala
Udupihille, M N D
Vasanthanathan, N S
Visagesan, S
Vithana, Thilak
Wanakukorala, Raja
Weerasekara, W M A E
Wickremasuriya, W D F
Wijeratne, N
Wijethunga, A D
Wimalaratne, K D P

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