Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Programme - Re Union 2018 Medical Batch of 1960.

Date                :                       7th july 2018
Venue              :                       Hotel Jet Wing Lagoon  ,  Negombo.
9.00 am           :                       Registration.
                                                            Meet  &  Greet.
                                                Registration fee -  Rs  3500.00  per  person .
                                                (  This is   what the  Hotel charges  for  providing  the  space , Lunch                                                          and      morning and  evening  tea. )
10.30      a,m                  Tea  /  Coffee     and  Snacks 
11.0          a.m                              Meeting Commences.
                                                Welcome Address by  the  President   Dr Asoka Dissanayaka .
                                                Remembering  the   Deceased  colleagues , Presenter- Dr  N.Sivarajah                                                                                                                                                                                
                                                An appreciation of  Dr Sarath Kapuwatte.  - by  Dr  A.Dissanayaka
                                                Following  are  scheduled to  talk   (  10  minutes each)                            
                                                Dr   Pearl Hettiaratchi    -      Life of  a  doctor -what matters  most in  the                                                                                                  Final analysis.                                                                                      Dr Sidney Hettiaratchi   -       Continuing association with the Batch                                                                                                           of 60
                     Dr Jey Gunaratnam         -       subject   unavailable.
                                                Dr  C.S.Nanayakkara         -       Reminisences of  student days.
                                                Dr Philip Veerasingam       -    Recollections  of  the  college  days.
                                                Thereafter  the  Forum  will  be  open  to  any one  who  wants  to talk on                                       any  matter  connected  with the   Student  days.
                                                (  please  write back  soon  to  schedule  your talk)
                                                Vote  of  thanks   by  Joint   Secretaries.
1.0              p.m      Lunch
            Group Photograph  will  follow  soon  after  lunch.
4.0              p.m                  Evening  tea  with  snacks.
5.0.            p.m                  The  Day  Programme  Ends.
                                                EVENING PROGRAMME.
6.30          pm                   Musical Programme   with  light entertainment. 
7.0              p.m.                 Singalong.
                                    The  music  group  in attendance will  sing   selected  Golden Oldies.
                                    You  are  invited  to  sing  along  with  them  if you so  desire.
                                    A  song  book  with  lyrics  of  the selected  Golden  Oldies will  be  given  to all,
                                    to  facilitate  participation.  Join in  the  fun.
8.0              pm       Gala Dinner.
                                    The  in-house  guests  ,  who  have booked  their  rooms on   Half Board basis
                                    are  required  to  pay   an additional Rs 2000/-  per  person  for  the   Gala
                                    Dinner.   (  This  will  be  added  on  to  their   final   hotel  Bill).
9.0              pm       Dance  Commences.
We  request  that  you  do  not  get  on  to  the  dance  floor  during  the  Sing along  time.
Please  bring  your  own  liquor.    No Corkage  for   Wines   and   Spirits.
Beers  ,   Shandy  ,  Soft  Drinks    will  have  to  be  purchased  individually .    So  will  be  the   “Bites”   to  accompany  drinks.  
Please  do  not  leave  any  un settled bills   for  the  organgisers to  handle.
11.30      pm      End  of  the  programme.
8th  July  2018.
Breakfast  at  the Hotel.
Say  Good  Byes. !

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