Monday, May 28, 2018

Recent emails re Reunion on July 7th 2018

Batch Re-Union 7th July 2018


Manasara Wedisinghe

8:30 PM (8 hours ago)

to Arjuna, Asoka, De, De, Dissanayake, Gunasegaram, Gunawardana, Hemachandra, Jayalath, Kaluarachchi..., Lukshman, Karunanayaka, Kasturiratne.T, Lucky, Makuloluwa, N.H.B, Nihal, me, Chandra, Piyaseeli, Piyasena, Priya, Pushpa, Reid, Rodrigo
Dear Batchmates
It is comforting  to know  that we have  reached  the last  few  days  of  planning of  the Batch Re-Union  scheduled   on  7th July 2018  ,  at   Jet Wing  Lagoon  ,  Negombo.
While  thanking  those  who responded to the  e mail messages  , made  reservations  in  the  Hotel ,  sent    photographs  for  publication  in  the   Souvenir,  and  been  constantly  in  touch with  us,  there are yet  a  few,  who  still wish to  join in  the  fun , but  have not  booked  their  rooms   and  send   the   photos.  
A few  more  rooms  are still  available  in  the  hotel.
For those  who  intend  to  take  part  in  the  event ,  day  programme  alone  , or   not , I request you ,to please  send  your  recent   photo  as soon  as  possible.  We  have  to  plan  the  contents of  the Souvenir  , giving  the  printer  sufficient  time to complete  the  job.
We have  unanimously  agreed to  have a meeting in  the morning  of 7th  July , with minimum emphasis on  Clinical Medicine .  Instead  , we propose to give an opportunity for anyone, and everyone   from  the  gathering  to  recount  and  share ,  memorable instances ,  that  are  funny  and  humerous ,  in the Medical School.
We  will give  them    5 - 10  minutes  each.   Please  write  to  this  email  address , so  that the  programme can  be  arranged.
A Certificate of attendance will be  provided  to  those who need one.  
Final  Programme will be  sent  shortly.
Thank you
Mana Wedisinghe


9:08 PM (8 hours ago)

to Farouk, Victor, Hettiaratchi, Vignaraja, Derrwik, Piyasena, Nihal, Kamalika, Makuloluwa, Asoka, De, Piyaseeli, Jayalath, Lukshman, Sebastian, Spittle, Karunanayaka, Vidanagama.Pal., Udula, Reid, Chandra, Rodrigo, Gunawardana, Hemachandra, Rudra
Dear Wedi,
Thank you & your Team for doing  such a great job & persisting with it. I don't see some names That I thought were coming. Like I have incl: -Sikander, The Hettirachies, Gnanadurai, Nana , Vignarajah, (? Wignarajah) etc:
Am I wrong ? It is indeed a Thankless Job- Please know that we thank you all. Is Derrwik de Silva Coming ?

victor gnanadurai

11:00 PM (6 hours ago)

to JEY, Piyasena, Nihal, Kamalika, Makuloluwa, Asoka, De, Piyaseeli, Jayalath, Lukshman, Sebastian, Spittle, Karunanayaka, Vidanagama.Pal., Udula, Reid, Chandra, Rodrigo, Gunawardana, Hemachandra, Rudra, Arjuna, Kaluarachchi..., De, Kasturiratne.T
Thank you Jey and Wedi.

Sadly, though I had intended to come initially, we have a wedding in London on 8th July, I am unable to come along. I will miss you all. I did advise Wedi I may not get there.

Thank you for organizing a great reunion. Hope everyone enjoys it thoroughly and returns with great memories. Will love to have photos on line.

A big thank you to Wedi and the organizers for all the hard work.

Kind regards,

Victor Gnanadurai.


12:05 AM (5 hours ago)

to victor, Piyasena, Nihal, Kamalika, Makuloluwa, Asoka, De, Piyaseeli, Jayalath, Lukshman, Sebastian, Spittle, Karunanayaka, Udula, Vidanagama.Pal., Chandra, Reid, Rodrigo, Hettiaratchi, Gunawardana, Hemachandra, Rudra, Arjuna, Kaluarachchi..., De
Dear Wedi et Al ,
Could we have all the Photos of the ones, including those not attending, but alive - For those who have not sent their photos put the Old ones we have ? Philip. V, is good at that !

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