Thursday, November 24, 2016

Messages of condolences on the demise of Dr. W. Panchacharam

Charith Nanayakkara
12:12 AM (4 hours ago)

to me

Hi Philip

Very sad to hear the death of yet another of our batch mates- Pancha.

Website quoted gives lot of information about his social activities.

I have not met him since the college days and I cannot recollect that he had joined any of our batch get together events either. I can well visualise him as a batch mate.

Please convey our deepest sympathies to his surviving family.



Charith Sena  Nanayakkara

Lucian Wijetunga

Thank you very much for letting us know. Please convey  our sympathies to Pathmini and the family.

Lucian & Srikanthi  Wijetunga

07:04 (22 hours ago)

to me

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