Saturday, August 6, 2016

Revived 1960 entrants batch only blog

Hi Nana,
I will hereafter use this blog for batch news and contributionns only. This was on standby all this time. I have revived it.

Please click on the above link. Book mark it for further viewing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Philip for the prompt response.
    As stated in the the blog heading, the 1960 medical entrants should have a blog for us to share any outstanding news/ achievements about any of our batch mates.
    Not surprisingly, we may need to share any unpleasant / bad news like the demise of our batch mates ( unless the surving family wishes otherwise).

    It would also be nice if our batch mates could share any of their personal experiences which may be of interest to others.

    My personal experience with web sites is very few would ever show their appreciation of the efforts put in by the 'web master', even though they may peruse the contents even occasionally.

    The existing blog could continue as at present with contributions from some of the medical mates who may be not in our 1960 medical entrants as long as they of some benefit to the reader .

    I still love to hear any relevant news of our batch mates even if we do not keep in touch with many of them.

    Thank you Philip for your continuing efforts.

    Do not get discouraged even if you do not receive any compliments.


