Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Today's Sri Lankan news

Situation is peaceful in Jaffna University - Government - http://anynews.lk/s/dl9y 

Protesting Lankans in Saudi say SL Mission officials met them - http://anynews.lk/s/dla5 

"Committed To Develop A Peaceful Country" – President Maithripala Sirisena - http://anynews.lk/s/dlbj 

Six-Member Committee To Ensure Salary Hike Is Paid: Labour Ministry - http://anynews.lk/s/dlbl 

Colombo Magazine Prison authorities make startling discovery - http://anynews.lk/s/dlc6 

Advice To New Opposition Forces, From The President - http://anynews.lk/s/dldc 

Woman nabbed with Rs.166 Mn foreign currency - http://anynews.lk/s/dled 

The Prime Minister Inspects Singapore Harbour - http://anynews.lk/s/dlew 

Psychiatrics want Addiction to Internet classified as mental disorder - http://anynews.lk/s/dlgd 

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