Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Sri Lankan news of the day

Kataragama Esala festival commences - http://anynews.lk/s/db4m 

Passing of the National Audit Act delayed by the executive; former Auditor General claims - http://anynews.lk/s/db64 

India, Sri Lanka agree to start talks for ETCA - http://anynews.lk/s/db6f 

Six-year term for new CBSL Governor Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy - http://anynews.lk/s/dax3 

Central Bank Needs To Ensure Macro-economic, Financial Stability: Coomaraswamy (VIDEO) - http://anynews.lk/s/db7n 

Economy Is Not A Political Trump Game; New Central Bank Governor Pledges To Run The Institution Independently -http://anynews.lk/s/db77 

Wildlife officer killed in misfire - http://anynews.lk/s/db7l 

National Sports Complex in Matara declared open - http://anynews.lk/s/db7t 

President asks stakeholders to find a fair solution to VAT issue - http://anynews.lk/s/db9n 

Tamil Sri Lankan Repatriate Gets Indian IAS - http://anynews.lk/s/dba8 

No Sri Lankan casualties in Medina - http://anynews.lk/s/dbco 

Will adopt transparent tax scheme instead of hidden tax agenda - PM - http://anynews.lk/s/dbdl 

Sketches of Lasantha's assassins released again - http://anynews.lk/s/dayq 

International Police Conference in Colombo Commences - http://anynews.lk/s/das4 

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