Monday, July 11, 2016

Path to learning Tai-Chi

email from JKS Weerasekera

1980s Colombo Fort YMBA.
Bullocks carts yes. 4 wheelers- mostly Raymond’s.
My  28 year old cousin, stuck for a job opted to wash plates at the YMBA.
Tarzan-like in appearance, it was a cinch with plenty food thrown in. You know the bread in the dustbin days!
On his free time curiosity made him go upstairs to the gym teaching Karate or Judo.
His interest were the two teachers, cute, petite, 5 foot minus Chinese girls.
Well awaited his free tuition. Looking at the action. Seemed easy.
One walked up to him had a friendly discussion extolling the virtue of Judo- or karate.
    Towering  over her at 5ft. 8 inch, he may have looked amused, already planning a nice grab.
She stood in front and said ‘ Hit me’. He was taken aback.
She repeated, ‘ Go on! Hit me hard with arms or legs or whatever’.

Feeling insulted he let go at her face with his right foot. Next moment he was on the floor. The girl had grabbed at his foot and he fell. On the floor, he was pumelled with had and foot, not allowed to get up.
Soon he was helped up, the disheveled  man was patted around.
She asked ‘ Are you angly? ‘ He said no.
She put out her hand to shake his hand and as he shook he was pulled again landing on the mat for another pummeling.
And that was the last time. He washed his plates dutifully, dcownstairs.

He is now on to Tai chi- all froth and no beer.
Name withheld.


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