Monday, June 13, 2016

Dingiri Dingale

DBS  Jeyaraj has placed the popular song ‘Dingiti dingale ‘on the net as below.
He is quite with it.

I am able to throw more light on this song.

Popular, multitalented actor Chandra Babu studied at St Joseph’s College Colombo ( 1940s- 50s). He was not born in south India. Having migrated there due to religion problems.
   He presumably took back our baila songs styles.

  In the mid 1950s, before 1959- his song “ Bamara kanale Kadal’’ became very popular, and older students recalled his studying at St. Josephs.
The link above will take you to the Bamarakanale song with presumably Chandrababu dancing to it. His initial  dance moves are much the Sri Lanka baila type as seen in the link.
Look up ‘Pambarakanale – Chandra Babu’

Seems the ‘Dingitidingale.’ song came later. Guess it was sung by Sountharajan.

Dr. Paramjothy c c above is in a position to help.

Link to song;


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