Monday, May 30, 2016

Richard Peiris and family

Subject: Re: detective work

Dr. Weerasekera,

Mr. Percyl Peiris and Richard Peiris were brothers.  Two of them along with three others started Richard Peiris and Company and Mr. Richard Peiris was the Chairman of the Company. Their first business,manufacturing unit after the petrol station was retreading of tyres for the Allied forces stationed in Ceylon during the 2nd World War. Mr. Percy Peiris had two sons namely Mr. P.I. Peiris ( well known as Ian) and the other son was Mr. David Peiris. 

Ian played cricket for Cambridge and represented SSC and Sri Lanka. He also captained the cricket team of St. Thomas Colletge,Mt. Lavinia. Professionally an Accountant and worked at Arpico and became a Director of the Company. He passed away two months ago.

David proceeded to England and qualified in Motor Engineering and on his return to Sri Lanka raced motorracing arena  in Sri Lanka and India. He was a champion driver during his time.  He played cricket for St. Thomas and did not captain the Ceylon Cricket Team nor did he play for Sri Lanka.  David too became a Director of Arpico. 

Richard Peiris and Company was bought over by an outside party and I believe Mr. Henry Peirs who is the son of Mr. Richard Peiris who was the Chairmn of the company still owns shares of Arpico.  His brother Junior Richard Peiris who was a Priest passed away a few years ago. 

The Super Markets set up by Ian and me are also with the new owner.  David broke away for the main company taking away the motor business and set up his own company called David Peiris Motor Company which is doing very well.  This was done before the acquisition of Richard Peris and Company by the new owner.
From xxxxxxx 

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