Sunday, April 10, 2016

Rama Setu (Adam's Bridge)

 " Scientific explanation with proof" on YouTube

 "The Discovery of 1,750,000 Year Old Man Made Bridge (DOCUMENTARY)" on YouTube

"10 Incredible Facts about RAMA Setu you should know." on YouTube

1 comment:

  1. Geologically, it is presumed, around 8000 years ago, Lankan and Indian land were in contact.
    Today, the gap is over 30 Km,
    but the water so shallow, that in season, an able man can walk across, swimming some, with the security of a boat accompanying. Our navy staff at Talaimannar tell us that they have done it.

    In the last 8000 years +- , without so much as a scrap of written script though,
    its reasonable to assume people lived on either side- as Homo Sapiens,
    and as the two lands gradually parted, boats, many bridges, of wood or limestone would have been possible –of the primitive kind, soon enough destroyed in geological timing. May be they extended the bridge bit by bit over the centuries as the gap widened! Very likely!
    Ramayana in oral form only mention or refer to lanka, which may have meant ‘island’ at that time. Today, no one can rule on it.
    To any poet, of imagination or with existing legend to support, it is romantic and good material to work on.
    The legend itself could be fact based, even minimally.
    Today, within Sri Lanka, the legend grows,
    though the newly built Kovil by the Nuwara Eliya/ Welimada Rd at SeethaEliya has nothing whatever of truth.
    I used to pass that spot sans such buildings in the 1970s often.
    The myth is propagated by tourism. And those profiting are keen to create pseudo truth.

    One north Indian lady visiting SeethaEliya, deeply affected had exclaimed ‘ This is the spot! I can feel it!’ And our guide had kept mum-saving his butter.

    In the Ramayana it is said that abducted Seetha was with Ravana a long time. This is a sore point played down, but as Sri Lankans on Raavana’s side of the bridge we should not as he kept her happy those years.
    Next, If based more on possibilities, Ravana would have lived far closer to Mannar!
    Attempts have been made to make even Sigirya with its high plateau, Rama’s abode.

    The steep Seegiriya drop convenient to float off in, in Ravana’s flying ‘ ‘dandumonara’ ( meaning wooden eagle!)

    No scientific evidence from the links other than the fact of land contact Lanka/India 8000 years ago.
    Anyhow there was no single India that long ago. Only a large collection of kingdoms till foreign rule.
    Talking of scientific discoveries,
    soon after the Tsunami of 2004, Indian archeologists had found the newly exposed sea beach rock etc in South India after the Tsunami dating evidence of a similar Tsunami 2200 years ago (Short Daily News report in an inner page about 3- 6 months after Tsunami 2004)
    I dug up on our own recorded history( Mahawamsa) and
    found it remarkable that the huge sea that flooded land up to Kelaniya in Kelani Tissa’s reign was around 2200 years ago!
    Historians can check with Indian archeologists!
