Thursday, March 24, 2016

Looking after amputees, Sri Lanka

Till now few Sri Lankan expats have looked into this aspect, concentrating more on war casualties.
Yes, we have many amputees.
Knowingly, I state that there are no amputees begging for limbs as way back in 1985.
All these get served free or for money in the country today.

But many are unable to find suitable work, having lost jobs after the injury.
Sri Lankan prostheses are appropriate, locally adapted, a variety supplied by over 15 organisations and privately. The products vary in finer functions, the poorer needing sturdy local type, the more affluent, a mix of west and Sri Lankan technology.
Nobody can swim with them though.
                    The Colombo Friend In Need Society revolutionised supply in  1985. Cutting down the wait time to zero.
To date, we have supplied  over 25,000 prostheses, totally free using mostly individual donation, lodging and food free, physiotherapy free.
       All files available. Expenses, all audited. Donations tax free. Professionals run the show.
A prosthesis wears out in 1 ½ years;  
‘thus in  a life time, an amputee 20 years old will need 35 prostheses! Though many may use one for 5 years!
One 50 yr old above knee amputee has climbed Adams Peak 4 times. Has fathered 6 children( Privately called the femoral steal syndrome.)  
Please help us and/ all the organisations trying to supply and develop the product for Sri Lankans.
Now is the time!
Today, No war! 
But No legs!!
Femoral steal, yes. Much.


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