Saturday, March 19, 2016


Email from Kamalini Kanapathippillai

I do not know who compiled it ,
Goodness gracious me, most of it is true...

India is a country where, on the streets, everyone seems to be in a hurry, but no one is ever on time.
India is the only country where people fight to be termed 'backward.'
Being one in a million in India means that there are 1241 Indians just like you.
In India , you don't cast your vote, you vote your caste. 
The ABC of what sells in India - Astrology, Bollywood and Cricket - in that order.
In India to become rich you have to become a   politician  to become a politician you have to be rich.  
The most crucial part of a traffic signal in India, without which it doesn't work at all, is a policeman. 
The four most crucial pillars of Indian Society are –  Religion, Caste, Corruption and Hypocrisy. 
The only country where the reserved enjoy more benefits than the deserved ones 
India is a place where the only rights people get are the last rites.  
India is the only country where it takes 15 minutes to reach a place by walking, whereas it takes an hour by car to  reach the same place. 
In India , there are two types of roads: Under Construction and Under Repair.
In India , the Capitalists are greedy and the Socialists are envious. 
Where people worship Goddess Durga, but kill a girl even after a healthy delivery. 
Where an Olympic shooter gets 3,000,000 (crore) rupees for a gold medal, but a soldier who dies getting shot while fighting with another nation,gets a mere 100,000 (lakh).
India is a place where rules are made to be broken and roads are built to be dug.
Is your land in danger of being acquired by the government? Don't worry, keep calm and build a temple  there.
India is the only country in the world where more fighter pilots are killed and more fighter jets destroyed during peace than in a war.
In India, any time is tea time.
India is always on a list of developing countries.
In India, it's okay to piss in public, but not kiss.
India doesn't have roads with potholes, but potholes with a bit of road around them.
In the West people have sex and hope for a marriage  In India people marry and hope for sex.

In India, you don't drive on the left of the road, you drive on what is left of on the road.

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