Friday, January 29, 2016

Use of carrier pigeons in Ceylon in 1850

In 1850 there was commenced in Ceylon the most
successful service with carrier-pigeons ever known in connection with the press. The Ceylon Observer carrier pigeons traveled regularly between Galle (the mail port)and Colombo with budgets of news, including Crimean and Indian Mutiny war news, for over seven years, till
1857, when they were superseded by the telegraph (Ceylon in 1893 by John Ferguson)

Carrier pigeons. We had them.
Our Sandeshaya poems are of birds carrying messages, Salalihini, gira, Mayura, kokila, hansa.
Guess our ancients used birds, drums, runners, tops of hills and mountains, down water ways, along  the  sea even reflectors of sunlight to carry messages fast. Pigeons not mentioned, but known well, enough to have been used. Maybe even smoke signals. Esp. emergencies, wars.
Worth many Ph.D.s delving this subject. But paucity of artifacts.


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